Pubdate: Fri, 21 Apr 2006
Source: Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Copyright: 2006 Winnipeg Free Press
Author: Gabrielle Giroday
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)
Bookmark: (Youth)


Hundreds Attend Annual Event

WINNIPEG -- DO you know where your 11-year-old was yesterday  
afternoon? If not, he or she may have been one of hundreds of  
students smoking pot on the front lawn of the legislature.  
Approximately 1,000 high-school-aged youth -- and some even younger  
- -- arrived in droves to toke the afternoon away in the seventh annual  
demonstration in support of marijuana use.

While veterans of the event said they supported the high turnout of  
supporters, they said they are increasingly shocked at the young age  
of attendees, some of whom openly puffed from six-foot bongs and  
rolled joints in front of the government buildings.

"We're not going to get in trouble," said one 11-year-old, surrounded  
by a pack of four of his friends, who said they were the same age or  
one year older. Rifling through his shoulder bag, he pulled out a  
small clear bag of pot.

Crowds started trickling into the grounds at approximately noon, and  
by early afternoon, hundreds of students sat in circles on the lawns  
beating bongo drums or chatting on cellphones. Two Winnipeg police  
officers and two Legislative Building security guards watched the  
crowds from the top step of the building. No arrests were made.

"Kids are getting younger every year, which is something I don't  
like," said Brent McKinney, 23, a veteran of the event.

McKinney said teens and pre-teens were not involved to protest legal  
penalties pot smokers face, unlike demonstrators initially involved  
in the pro-pot movement. "They should be in school right now," he  
said, pointing out Manitobans can't try other mild-altering  
substances like alcohol until they're 18 years old. "It's turned into  
a giant party instead of a political event, which is why I'm here."

Experts say that ever since the Liberal government announced a  
relaxation of certain marijuana laws in 2003, youth are expressing an  
increasingly casual attitude to using the drug.

While the Conservative government said in March it will not be  
resurrecting Liberal efforts to decriminalize possession of pot,  
experts said youth are receiving confusing messages about the drug.

"We're very concerned... we're seeing a shifting attitude by youth,"  
said John Borody, CEO of the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba.

"The messaging by government, when you're talking about  
decriminalization, (youth) saw that as moving (marijuana) away from  
being an illicit drug, which is not true."

Borody pointed out statistics which indicate approximately 40 per  
cent of Canadian Grade 12 students use marijuana at least once a  
week, and the average age to sample drugs and alcohol for the first  
time is around 11 or 12 years old.

"We know kids are substituting smoking and driving, for drinking and  
driving, because they think it's safer," he said. "There are harms  
associated with the drug."

Worldwide events honour April 20, a legendary reference in stoner  
culture to the number 420, which is (incorrectly) alleged to be the  
section of the California penal code that pertains to a marijuana  
drug bust. April 20 is the fourth month and twentieth day of the year.

Yesterday, groups of students identified themselves as hailing from a  
range of Winnipeg schools, including Garden City Collegiate, Kelvin  
High School, Sturgeon Creek Collegiate and General Wolfe School.

Old-timers of the event said they were not allowed to broadcast any  
speeches as they had in previous years.

"It's become a school holiday somehow," said Walter Lesley, nicknamed  
"Big Red."

He called marijuana use an "adult activity," and said he had been  
lobbying to see marijuana fully legalized for more than three decades.

Some youth said their parents had given them permission to attend,  
while others said they had skipped school and snuck out to the event.

"Parents should support what their kids want to do, and my parents  
know I'm here," said a 16-year-old student from John Taylor  
Collegiate, whose name is not being published to protect his  
identity. "It's no big deal."

Although three minor altercations between demonstrators broke out,  
police officers said they witnessed no violence.
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MAP posted-by: Jackl