Pubdate: Fri, 21 Apr 2006
Source: Chicago Tribune (IL)
Copyright: 2006 Chicago Tribune Company
Author: Josh Noel, Tribune staff reporter
Bookmark: (Heroin)


As word circulated this week of people passing out from potent heroin 
on Chicago's South Side, drug users didn't recoil with fear, police said.

They turned out in droves for a taste.

By the end of Wednesday, 25 people between the ages of 17 and 73 had 
overdosed, including a 51-year-old woman who died at her home.

"It's a sad commentary when people are racing to a place they know 
may overdose them," Police Supt. Philip Cline said Thursday.

With 66 heroin overdoses since August, including 11 deaths, police 
announced they are teaming with federal officials to try disrupting 
the drug's flow into the city and to staunch the street deals 
plaguing the South and West Sides.

Though there are close to 250 fatal drug overdoses in Chicago every 
year, officials said, incidents involving heroin are becoming more 
concentrated. Fifteen of Wednesday's overdoses happened near the Ida 
B. Wells public housing complex. In February, 10 people died near the 
Dearborn Homes after taking heroin that, authorities said, was cut 
with Fentanyl, a prescription drug often used in anesthesia.

Though Fentanyl is believed to be contributing to most of the heroin 
overdoses, Cline said, it is unclear if the drugs passed out 
Wednesday were cut with the substance or if they were simply 
extremely potent doses.

What is known about Wednesday's outbreak is that samples were being 
given out in pink baggies in the 500 block of East Browning Avenue 
and at 64th Street and Ashland Avenue, Cline said.

Officers arrested seven people suspected of distributing the drugs, 
including someone bragging to locals that he would "have some good 
stuff to pass out," Cline said. Charges have not been filed.

"All of these incidents have one thing in common: gangs and gang 
turf," Cline said.

On Wednesday, Alberta Morris was found about 4:15 p.m. at her home in 
the 7000 block of South Racine Avenue, police said. Morris was 
pronounced dead at 9:40 p.m. Wednesday by the Cook County medical 
examiner's office.

It is unclear when or where she obtained her drugs, Cline said, but 
her story was invoked as officials cautioned against buying drugs or 
taking free samples.

"What you think you are buying and what you are actually getting are 
two very different things," said Terry Mason, commissioner of the 
Chicago Department of Public Health. "You're completely at the mercy 
of the person who sold you or gave you the drug."

Fentanyl is about 100 times more potent than heroin, Mason said, 
causing spasms in the rib cage that can prevent breathing. Officials 
believe blended heroin is coming into Chicago already cut with 
Fentanyl, and they are working together to find out who is making it.

Dan Bigg, director of the Chicago Recovery Alliance, said it is 
common for people to flock to potent drugs because they expect they 
can handle the strength while getting an extreme and cost-effective high.

"If you're out there trying to sustain a habit, the more milligrams 
of heroin you can get, the better off you'll be," Bigg said. "The 
less money you'll have to spend, the less sexual favors you'll have 
to perform, the less compromise to your integrity. If you're told 
there's more milligrams per dollar available, you'll go to place X 
instead of place Y. You will just think that you can handle it."

Though people passing out might seem like an obvious reason to stay 
away, they are actually good advertising for the dealers, he said.

"It doesn't take much effort to get a little Fentanyl and see people 
pass out and get some publicity. And all [dealers] care about is the 
publicity," Bigg said.

Tribune staff reporter Jason Meisner contributed to this report.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman