Pubdate: Thu, 20 Apr 2006
Source: Vauxhall Advance, The (CN AB)
Copyright: 2006 The Vauxhall Advance


Since smaller communities have problems with people using and selling
illegal drugs just like the larger centres do, having an Alberta
Alcohol and Drug Use Commission office closer to town is warranted.

Currently people in town who are struggling with alcohol, drugs or
gambling addictions can not receive assistance close to home. Come
this summer they will be able to get counselling just minutes away
when a full-time AADAC centre is established in Taber. When people are
hooked on drugs, alcohol or gambling it impacts everyone around them,
so the announcement an AADAC office will be set up in Taber is good
news for everyone in the communities. We are not all experts when it
comes to counselling and many of us don't know how to help loved ones
who are battling an addiction. Now we will be able to turn to a local
organization to get those we care about the help they need.

Of course, addicts have to recognize they have a problem and want to
get help themselves before anyone can assist them. Perhaps knowing
help is only minutes away will make some people in Vauxhall, Hays and
Enchant who rely on drugs, alcohol or gambling more receptive to the
advice others give them to seek help from a professional.

AADAC is setting up an office in Taber because of the need here but
also because of efforts the Taber Community Against Drugs group has
made to decrease use and trafficking or illegal drugs in Taber.

Members of the group should be proud as their hard work has paid off.
Recently people in town started researching what TCAD is about, so
Vauxhall and area can have representation on the organization. The
announcement Taber and area will have an AADAC office this summer
partly because of initiatives done by TCAD, should be motivation for
people in Vauxhall and area to get involved.

Many individuals volunteer in town in several ways and by doing so
help the community to grow and prosper. By being part of TCAD and
helping to get anti-drug activities to happen in this area, people
would be making a huge difference. Those who belong to a group that
focuses on the prevention of drug use and trafficking, are
demonstrating the care for their community.

Drug use can destroy friendships, ruin families, cause people to lose
their jobs, which they were once passionate about, cause devastating
health problems and do many other destructive things. Anyone who can
make the time to help with drug prevention strategies should. The
announcement AADAC is coming should be a reminder to people of the
role they can play when it comes to battling drug use and trafficking
in their communities.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin