Pubdate: Thu, 04 May 2006
Source: Times, The  (Munster IN)
Copyright: 2006 The Munster Times
Author: Ken Kosky
Bookmark: (Students - United States)


Four PHS Students Charged For Fleeing, Three For Drugs

PORTAGE | Police arrested seven Portage High School  students this 
week -- three on drug charges and four on  charges that they ditched 
class and then fled from  police.

A total of 39 students have now been arrested at the  Portage schools 
since Cpl. Troy Williams became school  resource officer on Jan. 1.

"I'm hoping we are laying the groundwork for next year  because we're 
not going to stop," Williams said.

The fleeing arrests were made Monday afternoon after  Williams 
spotted four students walking on the access  road leading north from 
the high school to a  subdivision. The students, who were ditching 
class,  fled on foot but Williams said he found them hiding  together 
near a shed in the subdivision.

One of the students, a sophomore male, was taken to the  Juvenile 
Detention Center because he was already on  home detention from prior 
offenses. The other students,  freshmen girls, were released to their parents.

The drug arrests were made Tuesday morning after a  teacher said he 
caught a female student passing a  prescription drug to another female student.

The girl who accepted the pill was arrested on a drug  possession 
charge. The girl accused of passing the pill  possessed two more 
pills and ingested three other  pills, police said. She was medically 
cleared at a  hospital and was arrested on a charge of drug 
possession with the intent to deliver. She told police  she got the 
pills from a male student in the school's  commons area before the 
bell rang. The male student was  arrested on a drug dealing charge.

All seven arrested juveniles face school sanctions.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom