Pubdate: Thu, 04 May 2006
Source: Towerlight (Towson U, MD Edu)
Contact:  2006 The Towerlight
Author: Dmitri King
Note: Dmitri King, a senior mathematics aad secondary education 
major, is The Towerlight's proofreader. d
Bookmark: (Marijuana)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)
Bookmark: (Ecstasy)
Bookmark: (Hallucinogens)

The Unwinnable War


For 70 years the government has waged a war against drugs.

After 70 years and nearly a trillion dollars spent, this war has 
accomplished nothing other than imprisoning innocent people based on 
the personal choices they make regarding what to put into their own bodies.

The drug war has not stopped people from wanting drugs or getting 
drugs. Yet, when faced with the undeniable failure of the drug war, 
supporters say we need to throw more money at the problem. Haven't we 
spent enough money? Haven't we destroyed enough innocent lives? How 
much longer does this have to go on before we recognize the failure 
and try a new approach? The war on drugs has never worked and never 
will work. Human nature leads people to seek pleasure and novelty, 
and laws of economics dictate that when a demand exists, a market 
will rise up to supply that demand. An attempt at prohibition ignores 
those two fundamental principles. It should come as no surprise that 
drug prohibition has failed. History provides a clear case of the 
devastating effects of prohibition: the alcohol prohibition of the 
1920s. The alcohol prohibition wasted taxpayers' money, ruined 
innocent lives and created a black market that put people at risk of 
injury or death from impure or poorly made products. The prohibition 
was actually responsible for the rise of organized crime. After many 
years, the mistake was realized and prohibition was repealed. Why 
have we not learned from this history lesson?

Some people fear that legalization will be viewed as condoning drug 
use. This is not the case. One can support legalization while still 
condemning drug use. Supporting legalization simply means recognizing 
that the war on drugs is costing us more money than the drug problem 
itself. Does that make any sense?

Suppose a problem in society is costing us one billion dollars per 
year, and I have a solution that would cost two billion dollars per 
year--would anyone support my solution? I think not. What if I then 
said my solution could work if we just spent even more money? Most 
people would consider me insane and would disregard anything else I 
had to say. Yet, when politicians take that very stance with the drug 
war, they receive praise and awards.

Most people agree that violence resulting from drug gangs and drug 
dealers is a problem. I, as much as anyone, would like to eradicate 
that problem, and there is a simple solution: legalization. If drugs 
were legalized, dealers would be out of business immediately. This is 
an undeniable fact. Marijuana is a plant that grows naturally. We 
could, if we wanted to, grow as much as we wanted; thus, it has no 
intrinsic value. Its value is a creation of the drug war!

The drug war artificially drives up the price, enabling people to 
become wealthy by running criminal empires based on selling drugs. 
So, in actuality, the drug war has created the very problem it claims 
to be fighting! We don't see people making black market beer, candy 
bars, or hamburgers, because the notion of trying to compete with 
legitimate makers of those products is absurd. And, as Alex Peak, 
president of the College Libertarians pointed out, legitimate 
companies resolve conflict by lowering prices and improving the 
product, not by staging shootouts and gang warfare.

The number of deaths from drug use pales in comparison to almost any 
other cause of death, such as accidental drowning, car accidents, 
legal prescriptions drugs, or accidental choking. More important, 
most drug-related deaths are the result of impure products or 
accidental overdose.

Both problems are virtually eliminated with legalization.

A common reason people give for drugs being illegal is that they are 
"dangerous." In fact, the drugs are dangerous because they are 
illegal, so again, the drug war is actually the cause of a problem it 
claims to be fighting.

The United States arrests more people each year for marijuana 
offenses than murder, rape, robbery, and assault combined! How does 
that make our streets safer? Violent criminals roam the streets while 
non-violent drug offenders take their place in our prisons. Once 
again, the drug war succeeds in making us less safe.

Many of you might be concerned that legalization would cause 
increased drug use. Not only is there NO evidence to support this 
claim, but there exists considerable evidence to the contrary. Many 
reasons people give for trying drugs relate directly to their being illegal.

Additionally, very few people mention legality as a reason for not 
using drugs. Most people who avoid drugs have simply made a personal 
choice not to use. There are ways to get high using legal substances 
that can be easily obtained, yet these substances are substantially 
less popular than any of the illegal drugs.

There is no consistency in the classification of legal and illegal 
drugs. Tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol all contribute to various 
health problems. There is little evidence to suggest that occasional 
use of Marijuana, ecstasy, or LSD would cause serious health 
problems. In fact, for decades, the government has ignored scientific 
medical research that contradicts the supposed dangers of these substances.

But, even if these substances were very unhealthy, why should they be 
illegal? If I want to cut off my finger, I can legally do so.

If I wish to starve myself, no one can legally force me to eat. I am 
legally entitled to eat junk food and not exercise, even though that 
lifestyle has been shown to lead to diabetes and other serious health 
problems. I am legally entitled to drive my car, even though driving 
has caused about 1,000 times as many deaths as marijuana, ecstasy, 
and hallucinogens combined.

In fact, if I am sick and can be saved by medicine, I am legally 
allowed to refuse the medicine, even if I die as a result. It is not 
the government's role is not to force people to be healthy. Matters 
of health are personal choices that should be left to individuals. A 
free society should not infringe upon ownership of one's own body.

The war on drugs is unfair, unjust, and misguided. It costs far more 
money than the drug problem itself, and it ruins innocent lives. It 
is not working, and it cannot work. It makes our streets less safe 
and allows criminal enterprises to make millions, taking tax dollars 
away from our government.

I am not saying that legalization will solve all our problems. But, 
at the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves, "Is the war on drugs 
doing more harm than good?" When considering all the relevant 
factors, I think the answer is a resounding yes.
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake