Pubdate: Mon, 01 May 2006
Source: Calgary Herald (CN AB)
Copyright: 2006 Calgary Herald
Author: Emma Poole, Calgary Herald


A crystal methamphetamine task force -- headed by Premier Ralph
Klein's wife, Colleen -- is up and running in Alberta.

The group, made up of community representatives and stakeholders, will
hold meetings across the province until the end of May.

"Crystal meth is a complex problem and we can only address it by
talking to and learning from those impacted and affected by the drug,"
said Colleen Klein.

The task force will be divided into issue-specific "cluster groups" --
with law enforcement, youth, aboriginals and the healing industry key
areas of focus, said Klein.

Of the more than 24,000 clients who sought treatment through the
Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission in 2004, 15 per cent
reported using meth or other stimulant drugs. That's 3,600 people.

The Premier's task force on crystal meth is also looking for input
from the public.

"It's important to hear from all Albertans," said Dr. Robert Westbury,
who is co-chairing the task force.

"We will gather a variety of perspectives; the knowledge that we gain
through our entire consultation process will allow us to develop the
most thorough and holistic solutions to this growing and dangerous
drug problem."

Feedback for the task force can be sent through the Government of
Alberta's website. The address is

All comments to the site are confidential, and will be collected until
July 1.

Once the data is compiled, the task force will analyse it and develop
recommendations for its final report to the province.
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake