Pubdate: Sat, 06 May 2006
Source: Boston Herald (MA)
Copyright: 2006 The Boston Herald, Inc
Author: Dave Wedge


WASHINGTON - Detectives probing U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy's 
early-morning car wreck interviewed workers at the Hawk 'n' Dove bar 
yesterday while rank-and-file Capitol police are pushing prosecutors 
to throw the book at the well-connected pol. "Mr. Kennedy, by his own 
admission, was operating under the influence of narcotics, which is a 
violation," said Lou Cannon, president of the Capitol police union. 
Cannon said detectives probing the Rhode Island Democrat's 2:45 a.m. 
wreck visited several watering holes along Pennsylvania Avenue 
yesterday, asking bartenders and waitstaff if they saw Kennedy in the 
hours before the congressman crashed his Mustang convertible into a 
security barricade.

Kennedy checked himself into a Minnesota rehab center last night. 
Among the bars detectives were focused on was the Hawk 'n' Dove, a 
popular tavern that Kennedy is known to frequent, Cannon said. The 
Herald reported yesterday that a hostess at the Hawk 'n' Dove said 
she saw Kennedy drinking in the bar Wednesday night. Employees at the 
pub declined comment yesterday. Cannon said despite Kennedy's 
decision to seek treatment for his booze and drug problem, detectives 
are continuing to build a case for prosecutors. "We're still 
following the same course. We're asking that the investigation be 
completed," he said. Kennedy, 38, was slapped with a trio of minor 
citations for Thursday morning's crash and hastily checked himself 
into the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. "I've been fighting this chronic 
disease since I was a young man," he said, looking solemn and tired 
at a Capitol Hill press conference. "Of course, in every recovery, 
each day has its ups and downs." He blamed the crash on disorienting 
effects from the prescription pills Ambien and Phenergan, which he 
was taking to help him sleep and for stomach pain, respectively. 
Combining the pills can have intoxicating effects.

"I simply do not remember getting out of bed, being pulled over by 
the police or being cited for three driving infractions," he said. 
"That's not how I want to live my life." Despite his contention that 
he had no memory of the incident, Kennedy offered a detailed version 
of events just one day earlier - including the time he was driving 
and the exact street location. Murky details continued to trickle out 
from the congressman with a revelation to the Providence Journal that 
he spent the hours before the crash with an unidentified woman. Cops 
at the crash scene reported that Kennedy appeared to have been 
drinking, was stumbling, slurring and had "red and watery" eyes. 
Supervisors blocked patrolmen from giving Kennedy a sobriety test and 
instead drove him home. In Washington, D.C., a first-offense 
conviction of driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol carries a 
mandatory six-month license suspension and possible fines. CNN 
reported last night that a preliminary internal police probe found 
that "supervisors employed improper judgment." Cannon said a watch 
commander on duty at the time of the crash will be transferred. But 
Capitol police spokesman officer Michael Killough said: "We can't 
confirm that any personnel has changed." Asked at the press 
conference if he planned on resigning, Kennedy shook his head and 
said, "I need to stay in the fight." Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) 
said of his son: "He has taken full responsibility for events that 
occurred." Rep. Kennedy's mother, Joan, who has battled alcoholism, 
declined comment last night.
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