Pubdate: Fri, 12 May 2006
Source: Surrey Leader (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006 Surrey Leader
Author: Kevin Diakiw
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


Most meth labs in this province use chemical products from overseas, 
according to a senior drug cop who says a bill tabled by a Surrey MLA 
this week will likely have little effect.

Jagrup Brar, MLA for Surrey Panorama Ridge, introduced the Crystal 
Meth Prevention Act in the legislature Wednesday to control the sale 
of cold medicines at pharmacies.

Some of the medicines contain drugs (ephedrine and pseudoephedrine) 
that can be extracted and made into crystal methamphetamine (meth), 
an extremely addictive and dangerous drug.

RCMP Sgt. Scott Rintoule called Brar's bill "proactive" and welcomed 
any legislation that might help, but pointed out that police in this 
province rarely find evidence of distilled cold medicines in busted meth labs.

Virtually all ephedrine and pseudoephedrine is bought in pure form 
from China and India. Its importation is legal to licensed buyers who 
claim to be making cold medicine.

Rintoule, head of drug and organized crime awareness for the RCMP, 
said most of the labs are run by gangs.

He also observed that meaningful change will require adequate 
treatment for those addicted to the drug.

Brar said Thursday his bill is a "small but important" step in 
curbing the production of meth in this province.

He pointed to an example of a drug lab near James Bay on Vancouver 
Island where 200 capsules of cold medicine were found.

Earlier this year the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory 
Authorities wanted to restrict pharmacy over-the-counter sales of 
cold and allergy medicines containing the drugs.

However, the B.C. College of Pharmacists isn't prepared to restrict 
the sale of the precursors yet as it's apparent they aren't being 
widely used to make meth.

Brar's bill will be debated further, likely in the fall sitting of 
the legislature.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman