Pubdate: Mon, 22 May 2006
Source: Sarasota Herald-Tribune (FL)
Copyright: 2006 Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Author: Robert Windom
Bookmark: (Drug Test)
Bookmark: (Youth)


I read the May 17 article "Schools expand drug testing." I am 
surprised this testing has not been done before, and that students 
are not to be tested.

I have been on the board of the Sarasota Military Academy since its 
inception more than four years ago. Two and a half years ago our 
students requested the administration to conduct random drug and 
alcohol testing on all students on a continuing basis. The 
administration and faculty agreed, and added themselves to the 
procedure. Since the onset seven students have tested positive, were 
referred for treatment and then returned to classes. Only one has 
been dismissed.

Why cannot all schools do this? We are a public high school, open to 
any student in the area. Our students are no different from any other 
in the Sarasota school system. It does not take a rocket scientist to 
know that when testing is to be a requirement of hiring personnel 
that such an individual usually can easily pass, for she/he is smart 
enough to prepare properly before the test is offered. Only when 
random testing is done throughout each year will the guilty person be 
detected. If that person fails the first course of treatment, she/he 
is dismissed from the school, or employment is terminated.

As responsible adults who have gone through life free of drug/alcohol 
abuse, I believe it is our responsibility to make every effort to 
prevent others from acquiring such bad habits. The time to start is 
in the maturing stages of life, to prevent the bad habit from 
developing in the first place. If this is not done, each of us knows 
the havoc that can occur and the adverse effect on the life and 
safety of an individual. I hope the leaders of our  school district, 
the parents and students of each high school will adopt a 
drug/alcohol free environment. What better step is there for one to 
remain safe, and to be healthy throughout life!

Dr. Robert E. Windom

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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman