Pubdate: Tue, 06 Jun 2006
Source: Charlotte Observer (NC)
Copyright: 2006 The Charlotte Observer
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


RALEIGH (AP) - N.C. authorities last month found the fewest number of 
meth labs since December 2003, and state officials credit a new state 
law that restricts the sale of cold medicines used to make the highly 
addictive drug.

Agents with the State Bureau of Investigation busted 11 meth labs in 
May, a 69 percent drop from the 35 labs discovered in May 2005, said 
Attorney General Roy Cooper.

Since the law took effect Jan. 15, state officials said agents have 
busted 112 labs through May 31. They found 172 labs for the same 
period last year, according to a news release.

"The more we're able to stop criminals from making meth here, the 
more we'll be able to go after criminals who are trafficking meth, 
cocaine and other drugs into our state," Cooper said in a statement.

Methamphetamine is cheap to make and often "cooked" in homes, cars or 
motels. The new law requires anyone who buys cold tablets containing 
pseudoephedrine and ephedrine, such as Sudafed, to show a photo ID at 
a store counter and sign a log. Most liquid, gel-capsule and 
children's forms of the medicines, which are not generally used to 
make the drug, remain freely available on retail store shelves.

In 2004, Oklahoma became the first state to restrict consumers' 
ability to purchase products containing pseudoephedrine, limiting 
their sale to pharmacies. Raids of meth labs there have since 
plunged. Several other states, including Tennessee, Iowa, Minnesota, 
Missouri and Oregon, have approved similar restrictions.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom