Pubdate: Mon, 05 Jun 2006
Source: Times of India, The (India)
Copyright: Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. 2006
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Cocaine)
Bookmark: (Heroin)


NEW DELHI: Despite the arrival of 'designer drugs' in the market, 
cocaine, heroin, marijuana and psychedelics continue to be in great 
demand among drug users.

Following is a primer on the common drugs available:

Cocaine: It emerged under the name of 'crack' in 1980s and is 
prepared from the South American cocoa plant. Despite being one of 
the costliest narcotic substances, it continues to be easily 
available and is always in great demand.

It is usually snorted as white coloured powder but can be injected 
also. It is highly addictive and makes the user euphoric for about an hour.

Heroin: Also known as 'smack' or 'brown sugar', it is available in 
powder form. It is processed from morphine, which is extracted from 
the Asian poppy plant.

It could be either white or dark brown in colour. The former is 
considered to be "pure heroin", while the latter has some impurities 
due to the addition of sugar, starch, quinine or even powdered milk.

Brown coloured heroin is generally dissolved in water and then 
injected in the diluted form through a needle. White heroin is also 
snorted or smoked.

Marijuana: Commonly known as 'pot' or 'grass', marijuana is derived 
from the plant cannabis sativa. It is generally smoked but it can be 
cooked in certain foods and eaten also.

Marijuana has tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive chemical 
that produces euphoria and mild disorientation at times.

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): Commonly known as 'acid', LSD is 
derived from lysergic acid, which in turn is extracted from ergot - a 
grain fungus that grows on rye. It is colourless, odourless and 
tastes mildly bitter.

It is taken orally. It is produced in crystalline as well as liquid form.

Ecstasy: 'Ecstasy', like LSD is also a psychedelic and is available 
in tablet form. It is preferred by teenagers attending all-night 
dance parties. The users boast of a "cosmic experience" after consuming it.

It is easily available and much cheaper than LSD.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman