Pubdate: Thu, 08 Jun 2006
Source: Chicago Sun-Times (IL)
Copyright: 2006 The Sun-Times Co.
Bookmark: (Heroin)
Author: Annie Sweeney, Crime Reporter


The son of a suburban deputy police chief was found dead in Chicago 
this week from an apparent drug overdose, and authorities are 
checking to see if his death is linked to fentanyl.

Joseph Krecker, 17, of Park Ridge was found in a car in the 2100 
block of North Monitor on Tuesday, officials said. Six tin foil 
packets containing a white substance were found near his body, and 
the suspected drugs have been sent for testing, sources said.

Krecker is the son of Franklin Park Deputy Chief Jack Krecker, 
sources said. Krecker's family refused to comment about his death. 
Toxicological studies by the medical examiner were pending.

60 fatal overdoses so far

Chicago Police and the Cook County medical examiner's office are 
tracking overdose deaths to see if they are linked to fentanyl, a 
powerful prescription pain-killer that authorities think is now in 
the U.S. drug supply.

Fentanyl has turned up in illegal drugs in eight states, including 
Illinois, causing fatal overdoses. Authorities suspect the drug, 
which is hundreds of times stronger than heroin and morphine, is in 
both the cocaine and heroin supplies.

So far, Cook County has counted 60 fatal overdoses related to 
fentanyl. Last weekend, 35 overdoses were reported in the city, police said.

Contributing: Eric Herman
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman