Pubdate: Sun, 04 Jun 2006 Source: Monitor, The (McAllen, TX) Copyright: 2006 The Monitor Contact: Details: Author: Olga Perales LAW WOULD HAVE MADE THINGS WORSE To the editor: This response is regarding the article on May 7, "Drug law would have been misused, locals say." I was concerned to hear that small amounts of drugs would become legal in Mexico. Living so near to Mexico, and with a lot of us teens having such easy access to Mexico and its clubs, it would have become worse than it already is. Here in the U.S., the possession of drugs is illegal yet we have a lot of people who use them and have them with them. Now, people who had no chance of possessing drugs were going to have them available around the corner. Thankfully for everybody, President Vicente Fox saw the consequences it would bring rather than the good things it could cause. I'm so happy to hear the bill did not pass. I hope they will never again think about something like that, that would cause so much destruction, mainly to the adolescents who would have tried to run to Mexico in order to feed their necessity. OLGA PERALES Hidalgo - --- MAP posted-by: Steve Heath