Pubdate: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 Source: Golden Star (CN BC) Copyright: 2006 The Golden Star Contact: Details: Author: lorene keitch Bookmark: (D.A.R.E.) CRYSTAL METH SURVEY COLLECTED The Golden Methamphetamine Task Force has now collected over 350 surveys to study the knowledge of Golden residents about crystal meth and what areas to focus on for education and prevention initiatives. Kathy Collins, crystal meth task force co--ordinator, says the information gathered should be useful in helping to develop an action plan. "It will give us an idea of the general level of knowledge of crystal meth in Golden," Collins says. "It will also help us to determine what age level may be exposed more than others." The surveys were distributed around town, with some help by the Golden Family Centre, the Alternate School, and the Rotary club. Golden secondary school's leadership class is now helping Collins with tabulating the results of the survey, which included such questions as: is the drug available in Golden, how people get it, common side effects and suggestions about what can be done to prevent the use of crystal meth in our community. Collins is pleased with the number of surveys collected. "I'm overjoyed, absolutely," she says. "It's going to give us a heads up and at the very least it will let us know where we're at in terms of knowledge and what community members think we need here." She says there are tangible benefits to education about the drug: people will start to talk about it, parents will be more educated and hopefully be aware of the signs of at-risk youth and how to intervene before we have an epidemic in Golden. "If Golden is committed to looking at this in terms of becoming educated, if they're willing to take this on and really tackle it, hopefully we'll be prepared for whatever comes our way," Collins says. To that end, a forum is being organized and will include a video, guest speaker, and a chance to ask questions. The date will be announced shortly. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin