Pubdate: Wed, 07 Jun 2006
Source: Kelowna Capital News (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006, West Partners Publishing Ltd.


The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce says the decision by Kelowna city 
council to decide to locate a transitional housing facility downtown 
increases the risk of negatively affecting the downtown at a time of 
increased development.

In a letter to the city--the chamber's fourth letter on the issue in 
the past three months--the chamber questions the decision to move 
forward with the project downtown and calls for city council to be 
firm in watching over the facility when it is operating.

"Despite concerns the city has opted to locate the facility in the 
heart of the city...Kelowna's downtown," the letter reads. "Certainly 
establishing a supportive housing facility in the downtown is one 
option to address the homelessness issue, but at what cost?"

The letter from the chamber is signed by president Kevin Crookes and 
goes on to lambaste the council for not being firm on several issues.

The chamber says there should be zero tolerance for drugs and alcohol 
on site, there should be 24 hour security at the building once the 
program is up and running and calls for a bail out clause if all 
requirements are not met.

"The supportive housing facility must cease operations if it does not 
have a a positive impact on the area in which it is located," states 
the letter.

After months of debate, the partnership between the city and Interior 
Health Authority is moving forward to building a transitional 
facility to help drug addicted people kick the habit.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman