Pubdate: Thu, 15 Jun 2006
Source: Lake Country Reporter (Hartland, WI)
Copyright: 2006 Lake Country Reporter
Author: Jim Stevens, staff writer
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Heroin)
Note: MAP archives articles exactly as published, except that our 
editors may redact the names and addresses of accused persons who 
have  not been convicted of a crime, if those named are not otherwise 
public  figures or officials.


Village of Hartland - A 27-year-old woman is facing possible charges 
for allegedly using heroin in front of her young daughter. Police are 
recommending the woman be charged by the Waukesha County District 
Attorney's Office with child neglect.

According to the police report, the woman's 8-year-old daughter told 
police that she had seen her mother use a syringe numerous times, 
including one time about a month ago at a McDonald's restaurant in Milwaukee.

The girl told police her mother took her into the restroom and made 
her watch the bathroom door as she injected a needle into her arm 
while sitting in a stall, the report said.

The girl said she also saw her mother using a marijuana pipe at 
various locations.

The woman also made the girl miss many days of school as she made the 
girl stay home with her, the report said.

The woman was recently released from Rogers Memorial Hospital in 
Oconomowoc Lake, where she was treated for substance abuse.

Waukesha County Human Services contacted police June 5 about the 
allegations. A relative of the woman initially contacted Hartland 
North Elementary School officials about the woman's alleged drug use. 
The school then contacted Human Services.

Police questioned the woman, who admitted to using drugs in front of 
her daughter, the report said.

The girl was removed from the woman's residence and is staying with 
relatives, the report said.

The woman has not yet been charged.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman