Pubdate: Fri, 16 Jun 2006
Source: Peninsula News Review (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006 Peninsula News Review
Author: Stephen Lamb


Recent press has described a litany of crime and social deviance in 
Canada. Major drug seizures, with another under investigation; the 
shut-down of an alleged Vernon drug gang; illegal immigrants 
protesting deportation; terrorist scares in Toronto; B.C. Ferries 
employees advised by lawyers not to talk.

Not being one of the gentle people, following a lifetime of practical 
experience, I am at the same time saddened, sickened, appalled, 
disgusted and frightened by the apparent powerlessness of Canada's 
"justice" system.

Unpopular as it will probably be, I would like to draw readers' 
attention to a recent story in Reader's Digest describing the change 
of opinion effected in two Canadian teachers following several years 
living experience in Singapore. In conclusion they report having 
decided to extend their stay from two to 10 years, for both financial 
and social reasons.

According to their story, the smuggling of drugs does not net a jail 
sentence, it results in execution. Anything that smack of social 
deviance enjoys zero-tolerance. Intentional scratching of cars 
results in caning. The list continues as do social advantages, 
security, health-care and cleanliness. One writer states Singapore 
has few muggers, drugs or gangs. In his opinion it is probably the 
world's safest country and indeed the cleanest big city he has ever seen.

Coming from experienced, educated Canadians, where then is Canada's 
problem in following suit and one day ridding our streets of known, 
erosive and malignant social concerns?

Could it be from recent media stories that our present justice 
system, by its insistence on rights, is afraid to provide a system 
which is offender hostile and citizen friendly, thus protecting those 
who are law-abiding rather than those who are not?

Is this the state of our nation?

Stephen Lamb

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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman