Pubdate: Tue, 20 Jun 2006
Source: Vancouver 24hours (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006 Canoe Inc
Author: Paul Turenne, Winnipeg Sun
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)
Bookmark: (Cocaine)
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)
Bookmark: (Outlaw Bikers)


Street gangsters in Winnipeg come in all shapes and  sizes - from 
aboriginal teens in disadvantaged  neighbourhoods to white bikers 
born and bred in the  suburbs.

But despite their differences, two things bind them:  Drugs and violence.

Manitoba's gangsters and organized crime members - last  estimated at 
more than 1,500 - are lured to the  criminal underworld for reasons 
including a sense of  belonging, personal protection and status. But 
it's the  money made from selling gang-controlled drugs that  keeps 
them coming.

It's impossible to estimate the money that sales of  cocaine, crystal 
methamphetamine, marijuana and less  common drugs put into pockets of 
Winnipeg gangsters,  though police have said the city's cocaine trade 
alone  is worth more than $5 million a month.

A large portion of that trade can be traced to the  city's two 
biggest outlaw motorcycle clubs: The Hells  Angels and the Bandidos.

"I've heard them referred to as motorcycle enthusiasts  and certainly 
they are that and more," said Sgt. Rob  Harding, a supervisor in the 
Winnipeg police organized  crime unit. "Probably the main part of 
their business  is the drug trade. It's a money-making venture. And 
that's what they do. They make money in the drug  trade."

In February, Winnipeg Police arrested 13 people with  alleged ties to 
the Hells Angels - including Manitoba  chapter president Ernie Dew - 
after an undercover  police informant bought more than $400,000 worth 
of  cocaine and meth from the bikers in less than a year.

That headline-grabbing sweep is the kind of bite Mayor  Sam Katz 
wants to take out of organized crime more  often, but much of the 
fight against gangs is coming in  smaller measures.

After the provincial government provided the city with  $4 million in 
gaming revenue over two years to recruit  an additional 48 cops, Katz 
and Police Chief Jack  Ewatski launched Operation Clean Sweep last 
November to  clamp down on street crime - much of it gang-related.

"We're moving in the right direction. We need to do  more," Katz said.

"And we're going to put in more energy and as many  resources as we 
need to make sure we can deal with gang  violence."

Clean Sweep was initially estimated to cost $1.6  million with 45 
officers for three months. Katz has  since pledged it will run indefinitely.

Besides the biker gangs and their puppet clubs - groups  of mostly 
suburban, mostly white young men who run  drugs and weapons for the 
bikers in order to insulate  their superiors from evidence - Winnipeg 
is home to  Asian-based, aboriginal-based and African-based crime 
groups, as well as European-based groups including the  Mafia.

"We've got European connections here. We've got Italian  connections 
here connected to eastern Canada and  eastern states, Chicago. 
There's some of everything,"  Harding said.

"There's connections here from almost anything you can  think of."

Some of the better known Winnipeg gangs include native  groups such 
as the Indian Posse, the Manitoba Warriors  and the Native Syndicate.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman