Pubdate: Wed, 21 Jun 2006
Source: Tallahassee Democrat (FL)
Copyright: 2006 Tallahassee Democrat.
Note: Prints email address for LTEs sent by email
Author: Emery Goins


Re: "Paying for crime: Balanced approach makes sense" (Our Opinion, June 20).

The jail editorial was disappointing, and here are some reasons why:

It fails to mention that one reason the Leon County Jail is so full 
is that the Leon County court's diversion programs have been 
drastically reduced since 1999. If diversion programs were reinstated 
for the nonviolent offenders, then there would be no need for a jail expansion.

The editorial makes no mention of the death of an inmate at the jail 
only days ago. Initial reports indicated that the death was not 
related to overcrowding. It seems that there are other problems at 
the jail that need immediate attention. Why do we want to willy-nilly 
expand our jail before correcting problems in the present jail?

If someone is on suicide watch and they die, then obviously there is a problem.

Finally, the jail is run by the sheriff because the Leon County 
Commission gives the sheriff that authority. What expertise in jail 
administration does an elected sheriff, any current county 
commissioner, or members of the Democrat editorial board have? Why 
not hire a more professional authority to evaluate the jail expansion issue?

Emery Goins
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