Pubdate: Sun, 25 Jun 2006
Source: Borneo Bulletin (Brunei)
Copyright: 2006 Brunei Press Sdn Bhd.
Author: Sonia K.


Science College A-Team anti-drugs group in  collaboration with
National 92.3 FM launched a  promotion on the prevention of drug abuse.

It was one of the many initiatives taken by these  students to promote
the battle against drug abuse.

National FM expressed pleasure at such efforts and said  will continue
to support such project.

The DJs for yesterday morning's show were Rohani and  Afli together
with two guests from Science College  A-Team members DK Nor Raihan Pg
Mohd and Sarah Hana Hj  Ahmad Ghazali.

National FM will be conducting a roadshow during  Sekolah Menengah
Sufri Bolkiah Anti Drugs Team's Family  Day at Pantai Seri Kenangan
from 8am to 5pm.

As an informative leading radio station, National FM  will also play
its role in spreading word to the public  about the negative effects
of drug abuse. 
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MAP posted-by: Steve Heath