Pubdate: Sun, 02 Jul 2006
Source: Miami Herald (FL)
Copyright: 2006 The Miami Herald
Author: Jay Weaver And Jacqueline Charles
Bookmark: (Cocaine)


Haiti's Ex-President Is Main Focus Of Investigation Of Bribes From 
Drug Traffickers, But Paper Trail Is Lacking

Jean-Bertrand Aristide was a modern-day Moses to Haiti's poor masses, 
a former Catholic priest who rose to the presidency by promising to 
wash away the country's bloody and corrupt past.

But since his ouster as president in 2004, U.S. authorities have been 
investigating detailed accounts alleging that Aristide and several 
top aides sought and took millions of dollars in bribes from drug 
traffickers in Haiti, The Miami Herald has learned.

So far, a federal grand jury probe in Miami has led to 22 convictions 
of mostly Haitian drug traffickers, ex-police officers and a high- 
ranking politician close to Aristide. Although the exiled former 
president is a main target of the ongoing investigation, he has not 
been charged.

The allegations against the ex-president come from numerous sources, 
but the evidence has not risen to a level to press a case against 
Aristide, say U.S. law enforcement officials, who have been hampered 
by a lack of financial records.

Still, The Miami Herald has learned from interviews with about 20 law 
enforcement officials, defense lawyers and others involved in the 
case that Aristide has been accused of being at the center of his 
country's narco-trafficking and money-laundering activities from 2001 to 2004.

Authorities have gathered evidence, including testimony by 
cooperating defendants convicted in the case, alleging that:

o Soon after he took office in early 2001, Aristide held a meeting at 
his Port-au-Prince home with his presidential security chief, two 
government security advisors, the national police chief and a 
district commander to organize a scheme to shake down Colombian and 
Haitian drug smugglers for kickbacks for both his personal and 
political activities.

o Drug traffickers bribed Aristide to turn a blind eye to shipments 
of Colombian cocaine through Haiti, directly paying him hundreds of 
thousands of dollars in cash during regular visits to his home.

o Convicted drug kingpin Beaudouin "Jacques" Ketant personally 
delivered $500,000 a month in a suitcase to Aristide's home, he told 
authorities. He said the suitcase had a combination lock set to 7-7-7 
at Aristide's request because that was his favorite number.

o Traffickers gave Aristide $200,000 to buy a helicopter in 2002, but 
the president pocketed the money and instead used government funds to 
rent a helicopter from Miami-based Biscayne Helicopters. Those same 
traffickers also bought a $75,000 ambulance in Miami that was shipped 
to Haiti for the president's private charitable Aristide Foundation.

o Traffickers spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on carnival 
festivities in February 2002 that were arranged by the Aristide 
government. They also paid for some of Aristide's July birthday 
celebrations, his Lavalas Family Party and his foundation.

o At Aristide's direction, some of the traffickers' bribes helped buy 
weapons smuggled into Haiti to equip national police officers as well 
as pro-Aristide street gangs that harassed his opponents during his 
second term as president, between 2001 and 2004, according to former 
Haitian law enforcement officials and drug traffickers who are 
cooperating with U.S. investigators.

Accusers Called 'Liars'

Lawyer For Aristide Calls Accusations 'Inconceivable'

Aristide's longtime lawyer, Ira Kurzban, said he does not believe the 
allegations against the former president.

Speaking generally, Kurzban said that the federal prosecution is 
politically motivated and that the U.S. government's witnesses are 
"liars" seeking to reduce their prison sentences by fingering the 
former president in their money-laundering and cocaine enterprise.

"It is inconceivable to me that Aristide would do anything for 
personal gain," Kurzban said, commenting on the ex-president's 
character. "He was not a person interested in money."

So far the U.S. investigation has been built on testimony from many 
of the 22 mostly Haitian cocaine smugglers, police officers and 
others convicted in Miami in the past 2 1/2 years. The probe, 
spearheaded by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) with help 
from the Internal Revenue Service, has focused on cocaine smuggling 
during Aristide's second presidential term.

The investigation continues as the Haitian government carries out its 
own separate inquiry into the Aristide administration and foundation 
records, so far concluding that the president had looted government 
coffers, Haitian government records show. The interim government that 
replaced Aristide two years ago filed suit in Miami last year to 
recover "tens of millions of dollars" allegedly stolen by the former 
president and others from Haiti's treasury and its phone company. 
Neither the Haitian investigation nor the civil suit alleges drug trafficking.

To this day, the 52-year-old Aristide remains intensely popular in 
Haiti and has expressed a desire to return home from exile in South 
Africa after the recent election of President Rene Preval, once an 
Aristide ally. That would upset Haiti's domestic politics and 
Preval's relations with the U.S. and French governments, which regard 
Aristide as a destabilizing factor in Haiti.

Claims Unsupported

Probers Report Absence Of Incriminating Records

While several witnesses have testified against the former president 
in the U.S. drug-trafficking probe, investigators have told The Miami 
Herald that they have yet to uncover bank records and other financial 
statements that support the claims. The absence of such documents to 
solidify their case against Aristide has prevented authorities from 
seeking a federal indictment in Miami, U.S. law enforcement officials said.

Efforts to reach Aristide for comment on this story failed. Kurzban, 
who represented the Haitian government as its lawyer from 1991 to 
2004, said he did not believe that the ex-president would agree to an 

Kurzban, who still speaks on Aristide's behalf, said that while 
people in Haiti were well aware of the country's drug-trafficking 
problem, it came as a "shock" to him when he learned that Aristide 
and others in his government became targets of a U.S. criminal investigation.

He said that, if anything, Aristide cooperated with the federal 
government in the crackdown on cocaine smuggling in 2003, including 
allowing Ketant to be turned over to U.S. authorities. He said that 
money donated to the Aristide Foundation went to the poor for relief 
programs such as rice subsidies.

Haiti, an impoverished country where cash and corruption go hand in 
hand, has long been a significant transit point for Colombian cocaine 
headed for U.S. streets. From there, it sometimes is smuggled 
directly to the United States. Another route: from Haiti to the 
Dominican Republic, west to Puerto Rico and then to the U.S. mainland.

During Aristide's second term as president, an estimated 10 percent 
of all cocaine smuggled into the United States flowed through the 
Caribbean corridor, especially Haiti, according to a 2006 federal 
report by the National Drug Intelligence Center.

Shortly after the Aristide government turned over Ketant to U.S. 
officials, the U.S. government broadened its drug investigation by 
looking into the Aristide leadership.

It was during a 2004 sentencing in federal court in Miami that Ketant 
accused Aristide of turning Haiti into a "narco-country" and being a 
"drug lord." Not under oath at the time, Ketant was sentenced to 27 
years in prison and ordered to pay $30 million in fines and forfeitures.

Behind the scenes, he began to cooperate as a key witness for 
prosecutors, providing details on his alleged payoffs to Aristide and 
others in exchange for a free hand to ship cocaine through Haiti to 
the United States. His testimony triggered some of the indictments 
against the 21 others on money-laundering or cocaine-smuggling 
charges, U.S. law enforcement officials said.

Another major witness was Aristide's former security chief, Oriel 
Jean, who was convicted last year in a separate federal case of 
money- laundering and sentenced to three years. He fingered the same 
drug traffickers, police officials and politicians -- including Aristide.

And during his testimony at two Miami trials last year, he linked 
Aristide to at least two people implicated in Haiti's drug trade and 
the U.S. investigation.

In sworn testimony at those trials, Jean said he was introduced in 
late 2001 or early 2002 to one drug lord, Serge Edouard, by Hermione 
Leonard, then the director of the national police's Port-au-Prince 
district and a woman who was close to Aristide.

"She told me that the president is aware that she has contacts" with 
major drug traffickers, he testified at Edouard's trial, without 
elaborating. Leonard, wanted by the DEA, is believed to be hiding in 
the Dominican Republic.

Jean also testified at trial that he and Aristide approved a national 
security ID card for Edouard in 2002. He testified that the security 
badge allowed Edouard to travel throughout Haiti without being 
stopped by police. Edouard was convicted in that trial on drug 
charges and is serving a life sentence.

Defense attorneys for Ketant and Jean declined Miami Herald requests 
to interview their clients.

Ketant also has told authorities that among other drug traffickers 
who paid off Aristide and members of his inner circle were Ketant's 
brother, Hector, and Gilbert Horacious, according to sources familiar 
with the case. Ketant said Horacious was a longtime friend of 
Aristide's who introduced him and other traffickers to the Haitian 
president, according to sources familiar with the case.

Ketant's brother was fatally shot in Haiti in 2003, and Horacious was 
gunned down last year in the Dominican Republic. Shortly after 
Aristide fled the country on Feb. 29, 2004, hundreds of thousands of 
dollars in rotted $100 bills were found hidden in his home, according 
to U.S. news reports. U.S. federal investigators analyzed some of the 
bills but could not figure out where the money had come from.

Associates Accused

Several Are Alleged To Have Laundered Money

While investigators have struggled to piece together a paper trail 
leading directly to the former president, they have identified 
several people in his government who allegedly helped launder drug 
money for him.

The Miami Herald has learned that the Ketant brothers and other major 
traffickers made cash contributions to the Aristide Foundation 
through one of its high-ranking members.

According to traffickers and U.S. law enforcement officials, Aristide 
allegedly ordered Port-au-Prince district police chief Leonard to 
pass any seized drugs on to Edouard and other Haitian traffickers for 
resale. The smugglers, in turn, donated some of the tainted proceeds 
to the Lavalas party or the foundation, they said.

Aristide also instructed Haitian Sen. Fourel Celestin, who 
represented the Jacmel area southwest of the capital, to solicit 
donations from drug traffickers for Lavalas, according to convicted 
drug smugglers, ex-police officers and U.S. law enforcement officials.

Convicted last year after a plea deal with Miami prosecutors, 
Celestin admitted taking a $200,000 bribe to help secure the release 
of two detained Colombian traffickers. Celestin is now cooperating 
with prosecutors.

Under federal law, prosecutors would not have to prove that Aristide 
was personally involved in moving loads of cocaine to the United 
States -- only that he allowed traffickers to use his country and 
received kickbacks in return. If Aristide comes under a U.S. 
indictment, the threat of extradition to the United States might keep 
him from pushing to return to Haiti, according to legal observers. It 
may also keep Preval from worrying too much about the prospect of his 
former mentor's return.

After February's presidential election, Preval said that Aristide, 
like all Haitians, could legally come home. But he added a cautionary 
note, saying Aristide "must decide whether he wants to return, if 
there are legal and other actions" pending against him. Coming 
Monday: A two-year-old corruption investigation of former President 
Jean-Bertrand Aristide is stalled in Haiti, with millions of dollars 
in blocked funds gone from Haitian banks.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman