Pubdate: Wed, 05 Jul 2006
Source: Columbian, The (WA)
Copyright: 2006 The Columbian Publishing Co.
Author: Jim English
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


In the spirit of Vancouver's groundbreaking laws on fireworks usage, 
why not take other things that are illegal to use, sell or buy most 
of the year, and make them legal for a week. Say, oh I don't know marijuana.

How about setting aside April 20 as "Let's Get High Day?" But why 
keep the fun restricted to one day when we could make it a week of 
stoned, carefree bliss?

The city could sell permits for little stands to sell an assortment 
of gnarly sticky bud none of that good stuff you can buy outside the 
city limits, only city-approved dope with the proper THC content.

Of course partaking in the magic herb would only be allowed from 9 
a.m. to 11 p.m. (midnight on the special day) and of course we would 
have to extend usage until 11 p.m. on the day after to give revelers 
a chance to use up any extra wacky tobaccy leftovers.

The city could use proceeds of the sales to finance a huge community 
buzz fest the biggest this side of the Mississippi River! Local law 
enforcement could cruise suburbia to enforce proper usage and keep 
everyone in line wink, wink.

Makes sense to me how about you, Vancouver?

Jim English

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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman