Pubdate: Sat, 08 Jul 2006 Source: Times, The (Munster IN) Section: Porter News Copyright: 2006 The Munster Times Contact: Details: Author: Ken Kosky Bookmark: (Methadone) MAN ACCUSED OF DEALING METHADONE Liberty Township: Suspect Reportedly Sold Heroin-Replacement Drug To Undercover Cops LIBERTY TOWNSHIP | The Porter County Drug Task Force arrested a Valparaiso-area man they say was dealing tablets of the heroin-replacement drug methadone out of his house. Joseph M. Reeves, 35, of 1816 Vail Drive, Liberty Township, was arrested on charges of dealing a controlled substance and possession of marijuana. Robert Taylor, task force coordinator, said undercover officers, acting on a narcotics complaint, conducted a weeklong investigation culminating in them purchasing three methadone tablets from Reeves for $30. Reeves was arrested after the Thursday transaction at his home, Taylor said. A search of his home turned up 14 1/2 more methadone tablets and some marijuana, police said. Reeves obtained his methadone from a methadone clinic in Chicago, Taylor said. The closest methadone clinic currently is in Gary, but state legislators agreed to allow Porter County to treat heroin addicts with methadone. Taylor, who has spoken out against a methadone clinic being added in Porter County, said Reeves' arrest shows a potential problem with methadone clinics. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman