Pubdate: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 Source: Palladium-Item (IN) Copyright: 2006 Palladium-Item Contact: Website: Details: Author: Natalie Root Bookmark: (Drug Test) Bookmark: (Youth) 85 OF 88 DRUG TESTS ARE CLEAN AT LINCOLN Students Who Drive, Play Sports Or Are In Activities Can Be Tested EAST GERMANTOWN, Ind. - Of the 88 random drug tests conducted at Lincoln High School throughout the past school year, three came back positive for drugs. In his report to the Western Wayne school board Monday, Chris Franz of Sport Safe Testing Services, Inc. of Powell, Ohio, said 308 students were in the pool of students that could be randomly selected by the testing lab. Because the students are selected randomly for the urine tests, some students were tested more than once and only 74 different students were tested. Franz said the tests detected marijuana or a prescription drug and that one of the tests was a second positive for a student who had tested positive on an earlier test. Franz said parents are notified first to determine whether positive tests are a result of prescribed medication. The school is notified later. The students in the random pool include athletes, students who drive to school and students who participate in other extra-curricular activities. During the 2004-05 school year, two out of 113 tests were positive for drugs. In 2003-04, one of 89 tests was positive. - --- MAP posted-by: Derek