Pubdate: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 Source: Knoxville News-Sentinel (TN) Copyright: 2006 The Knoxville News-Sentinel Co. Contact: Details: Author: Jamie Satterfield 'CRACK TAX' STRUCK DOWN Judge Rules State Law Unconstitutional In Jefferson County Drug Ring Case A judge has struck down as unconstitutional the state's so-called "crack tax" in the case of a man accused in a massive Jefferson County marijuana trafficking ring. But Knoxville attorneys insisted Tuesday that Davidson County Chancellor Richard H. Dinkins should have added one more descriptor for the now 18-month-old tax - evil. "It makes you ashamed for America," attorney Ralph Harwell said of the state's enforcement of the Unauthorized Substance Tax Act, a law enacted ostensibly to levy a tax on drug dealers. "Of all the unconstitutional laws, this one should be in the hall of fame," attorney Gregory P. Isaacs added. It was defense attorneys James A.H. Bell and Richard L. Holcomb who convinced Dinkins to strike down the tax, dubbed the "crack tax" soon after it became effective in January 2005. Bell and Holcomb were challenging the state Department of Revenue's levying of a $1.1 million tax on Jeremy Robbins of Jefferson County, who is accused of dealing marijuana. Robbins is charged along with at least eight other people of conspiring to funnel more than two tons of marijuana from Arizona to East Tennessee. Arrested in April 2005, he has been indicted in U.S. District Court. He has not been convicted. Despite that, the state Department of Revenue had assessed a tax on the amount of marijuana authorities alleged he had sold and took steps to collect it. Bell said Robbins was told to either ante up or watch the agency take his stuff. That Robbins is presumed innocent did not matter, Bell and Holcomb argued. The "crack tax" trounced on that right, along with rights guaranteed under both the state and U.S. Constitutions, such as the right to due process and the right against self-incrimination, the pair of attorneys contended. In a ruling issued late Monday, Dinkins agreed. "The act on its face fails to ensure the constitutional guarantees in several particulars," Dinkins wrote. It's the way the tax was crafted and is enforced that is legally flawed, the chancellor ruled. When it was passed, it was described as akin to the cigarette tax. Drug dealers would purchase a stamp for their illegal wares as a means to pay it. If they didn't, the revenue department could assess the tax against drug dealers. The law is modeled after similar taxes in more than two-dozen states including Texas, Kansas and Connecticut. Tennessee's tax operates completely separate from seizure laws already in place under the criminal justice system. Of course, no drug dealers voluntarily coughed up money to buy the tax stamps. Yet, the revenue department has collected $2.7 million in the 18 months since the tax was passed. How? According to Dinkins' opinion, the tax law allows revenue agents to levy a tax on people accused in drug cases. The law gives the accused dealer two choices: Pay up and try to get a refund later or pay up and appeal. "Taken as a whole, the statute places the burden upon the taxpayer to convince the commissioner or a chancery court that the taxpayer is not liable for the tax rather than the commissioner proving the taxpayer's liability," Dinkins wrote. It does not matter under the tax law whether the person is eventually found guilty of being a drug dealer or declared innocent, the judge noted. The tax is levied, Dinkins wrote, long before the accused faces trial in a criminal court. Harwell contended that the tax has been levied in cases where a person is not even charged with a drug crime. He has a client now whose son was nabbed with marijuana in his father's truck. The client has never been charged. The son is under investigation. Yet, Harwell said, a state Department of Revenue agent showed up at his client's Blount County home, "walked through and said, 'I want this. I want that.' " Harwell's client has been assessed a tax bill of $193,000 in connection with a marijuana probe that the man so far is not even accused of being involved in, the attorney said. Harwell plans to file an appeal. The revenue department denies heavy-handed tactics. Spokeswoman Emily Richard said Tuesday the agency would continue to collect the tax until ordered to stop. Sharon Curtis-Flair, spokeswoman for the state Attorney General's Office, said the state would appeal Dinkins' ruling. The ruling only stays the collection of the tax in Robbins' case. But his conclusion that the tax is unconstitutional will buttress other court challenges and ultimately will lead to an appellate court decision on the validity of the tax. Local attorneys contend a final decision striking down the tax as flawed cannot come soon enough. "It offends every notion of due process we have in this country," Bell said. "We just settled to be done with it," Isaacs said of one of his clients. "To say it was a kangaroo court would be disrespectful to kangaroos." "They are nothing more than out-of-control bill collectors with badges," attorney Bruce Poston said of revenue agents. "Half these people (taxed) weren't even dealing drugs It's a tax on something that is illegal to possess. It's ridiculous." - --- MAP posted-by: Derek