Pubdate: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 Source: Observer, The (UK) Copyright: 2006 The Observer Contact: Details: Author: Mark Townsend, crime correspondent Bookmark: (Heroin) Bookmark: (Treatment) ANTI-HEROIN PROJECT TRANSFORMS TOWNS A remarkable drugs project has transformed one of the regions worst affected by heroin addiction, it was revealed last week. Until recently, drug-related crimes made life a nightmare for people in the former pit villages of north Nottingham, with one in three families experiencing a fatal overdose, an addiction or a drug-related burglary. But these statistics have been reversed by a social experiment which suggests that Britain may finally have a solution in the fight against hard drug abuse. Since the scheme's launch three years ago, crime in the Nottinghamshire constituency of Bassetlaw has fallen by 75% and the number of heroin addicts has been reduced by a similar figure. The scheme's premise is simple: rather than being viewed as a crime, heroin addiction is treated as a medical condition. Addicts in towns like Worksop, once badly affected, are offered a choice between prison or a course of treatment prescribed by their GP. Worksop could save UKP20m a year through cutting crime and rehabilitating addicts. Inspired by local Labour MP John Mann, who had watched his constituency disintegrate through an epidemic of heroin addiction, doctors are given responsibility for tackling the issue. Four years ago, just two heroin addicts in Bassetlaw were receiving treatment while there were 80 burglaries a month. Now 400 addicts are receiving treatment and only 20 burglaries were reported in the region last month. Residents say their lives have been transformed; they can now go shopping without fear of being robbed. Josie Potts, of Manton, a former pit village, began campaigning against heroin in 2002 after her grandson came home clutching a bag of used syringes. 'I remember thinking that I was staring at the future,' she said. 'At the time it was terrible, no one was safe. Now it is a different place ... everyone looks happier.' The death knocks have also stopped. Just two heroin overdoses have been recorded in three years in Bassetlaw compared with 12 in 2002. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman