Pubdate: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 Source: Aldergrove Star (CN BC) Copyright: 2007 Central Fraser Valley Star Publishing Ltd. Contact: Details: Referenced: Author: Tim Felger LEGALIZE METH Editor: Making ingredients illegal won't make crystal meth go away, only more toxic and violent. There are good reasons to legalize, then regulate and then even tax crystal meth. Foolishly, our present government policy of drug prohibition is injecting price increases and violence into the black market. Making it more illegal will only make it more toxic and violent. I agree crystal meth is poison; the question is how to control it without eroding our freedoms and making the problems worse. The violence associated with the dealing of the drug comes not from the drug, but from the illegality of its sale or enforcement. Look at the government policy called drug prohibition and its creation, the black market, not the drug. Regulation is still enforcement, it is just enforcement light. Regulation does not mean unfettered access, but restricted access. Just because a drug is toxic is no reason to ban it. We don't ban gasoline or glue. These are both abused, addictive and do brain damage. Making a drug illegal always increases the price, increases the toxicity and increases the violence, it does not eliminate it from the market place. A domestic ban on the ingredents will only force us to import them at a higher price. We can export production and the pollution from production, but demand will create an imported supply. It is the duty of leadership to explain to the public the truths about the true cost of choosing more drug prohibition. The solution I suggest is understanding drug prohibition creates social pollution. Ending drug prohibition means ending the propaganda. Tim Felger, Abbotsford