Pubdate: Thu, 18 Jan 2007
Source: Montreal Gazette (CN QU)
Copyright: 2007 The Gazette, a division of Southam Inc.


Day Announces Funding Renewal. Montreal-Based Organization Will Use 
Some Of It To Conduct Study On Street Gangs

A Montreal-based international crime prevention organization has been 
given $400,000 in financial aid from the federal government in part 
to conduct a study on street gangs.

"Our government recognizes that one of the best ways to prevent crime 
is to study the phenomenon and share our expertise in the domain," 
Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day said during a news conference 
yesterday to announce the funding renewal.

"This financial aid allows for research on the most effective ways to 
prevent crime and to fight the activities of youth gangs."

The International Centre for the Prevention of Crime, a 
non-governmental organization, operates as a type of think tank and 
to promote awareness. It was founded in 1994.

Valerie Sagant, director-general of the centre, said Canada plays an 
important role in crime prevention around the world.

"Canada favours the promotion of an approach that is in one way 
humanistic and respectful of human rights, but at the same time 
rigorous," she said.

"Notably, it is an approach founded in scientific knowledge, and we 
try to contribute to that approach."

Sagant said part of the funding will go toward looking at how the 
private sector can contribute to crime prevention.

The organization will also expand on research already done for a 
study on youth gangs that examines the problem on an international level.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman