Pubdate: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 Source: Lethbridge Herald (CN AB) Copyright: 2007 The Lethbridge Herald Contact: Details: Author: Shannon Pahara GOVERNMENT'S MOTIVATION IS ALL ABOUT GREED Editor: I feel compelled to answer Bal S. Boora's letter (Herald, Jan. 10) which asks Canadians to "ask the Harper government why it is so set against the Canadian Wheat Board when the majority of farmers support it. Whose interests are they representing?" Stephen Harper and his pals are serving themselves. They are not farmers. I doubt they have ever had soil under their fingernails in their lives. However, it is very easy for them to get their secretaries to look at sheets of paper and have them report back which numbers equal greatest profit for their pockets. If a wheat farmer receives fair payment for their crop, labour and expenses, it means the federal government is not maximizing their greed. They have looked at the savings they can make by selling us genetically modified foods. If food is produced in a lab, there is no farmer to pay. It is a prelude to what happened with our cattle producers. The government scares the population into believing our beef is contaminated (even though "mad cow disease" has been around forever and cattle ranchers know how to deal with it). Now they are introducing cloned cow meat. Government made dinner. They do not want to label these "foods," yet they have not even been tested on primates. Maybe they can't get a monkey to eat a clone burger. It's the same reason Ms. Mryden who writes about "receiving minimal relief" for her multiple sclerosis pain because the government allots her such minimal amounts of legal marijuana. They want her buying 30 pills a day from the "legal" drug dealers even though the pills do not adequately relieve her suffering. Marijuana will never be legalized because the government cannot control a plant or crop that can grow in someone's yard or living room. Cigarettes and alcohol are perfectly legal because they are made in government controlled labs. What can an individual do? Don't be a consumer of things you don't know much about. Don't take more medication to "numb yourself" out to the reality of the forces against our natural health and well-being. Do ask "how did people live before the British North American Act of 1867?" Uncontrolled, that's how. Not wildly, how we are taught to believe, but honestly as respectful caretakers of the Earth. Shannon Pahara Lethbridge - --- MAP posted-by: Elaine