Pubdate: Fri, 19 Jan 2007
Source: Seattle Times (WA)
Copyright: 2007 The Seattle Times Company
Author: Maureen O'Hagan and Diane Brooks, Seattle Times staff reporters
Cited: Washington ACLU
Bookmark: (Marijuana - Medicinal)
Bookmark: (Drug Raids)


When a drug task force raided the homes of Steve Sarich and John 
Worthington last week, the two men loudly proclaimed it was 
retaliation for their support of medical marijuana.

It was a "political assassination," said Sarich, who runs an advocacy 
organization called CannaCare.

Some might say the two men are misplacing blame, especially 
considering the size of Sarich's marijuana garden, which at one point 
filled almost a full floor in his Northeast Everett home. But a close 
look at court documents suggests that, in some ways, their activism 
did lead law enforcement straight to their doors. According to court 
documents, a multiagency drug task force found and confiscated more 
than 1,500 marijuana plants in Sarich's home and a handful in 
Worthington's. Neither man has been arrested or charged.

Sarich and Worthington came to the attention of the task force last 
year, when they filed declarations in support of another man facing 
federal marijuana-distribution charges, according to court documents 
relating to last week's raids.

The prosecutor on the case asked Bremerton Police Detective Roy 
Alloway, who serves on the drug task force, who they were. He soon 
learned that Worthington, of Renton, had a habit of sending e-mails 
to law-enforcement and government officials complaining about what he 
saw as the unfair targeting of medical-marijuana patients.

Based on that, Alloway wrote in court papers, "I decided to 
investigate these individuals."

The detective obtained utility-bill records showing Sarich was using 
about five times more electricity than the average area resident, 
court documents state. Also, a marijuana odor could be detected 
outside his home, according to court documents.

That was enough for a judge to sign a warrant to search Sarich's 
home. The search-warrant application for Worthington's home, which 
was made over the telephone rather than on paper, was not immediately 

Sarich said his marijuana "nursery" is all for CannaCare members, 
each of whom has a doctor's authorization to use pot for medical 
reasons. Under Washington's medical-marijuana law, passed by voters 
in 1998, a patient is permitted to designate a "caregiver" to grow 
marijuana for him or her. But a patient may not have more than a 60-day supply.

Washington State Patrol Sgt. Carlos Rodriguez, who heads the drug 
task force, conceded that what makes a 60-day supply is open to interpretation.

"But 1,550 plants -- that's ridiculous," he said.

Sarich said the number of plants shouldn't be the focus; many of them 
were tiny and hadn't produced a usable crop.

Worthington, on the other hand, had six plants. He has his doctor's 
authorization to use marijuana to ease chronic pain caused by a 
degenerative bone disease.

Officers on the task force normally target what they call mid-to 
upper-level drug distributors. Six pot plants usually don't qualify, 
Rodriguez said.

"It kind of looks like they made a mistake," said Worthington's 
lawyer, James Lobsenz.

Worthington, who used to belong to CannaCare but said he parted ways 
with Sarich last spring, has repeatedly complained to a number of 
officials about the activities of the task force, especially the 
actions of Alloway.

Sarich said he and Worthington recently delivered to the state 
Legislature a report summarizing their yearlong investigation into 
the practices of drug task forces, which they said routinely violate 
Washington law.

The ACLU of Washington, which is involved in medical-marijuana 
issues, is concerned because agents also seized medical records of 
about 200 patients from Sarich's house.

"We're looking into what can be done to protect them," Washington 
ACLU spokesman Doug Honig said of the patients.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Attorney's Office is deciding whether the cases 
should be handled by state or federal authorities.

A federal prosecution would mean that neither man could claim he was 
growing marijuana for medicinal purposes. Federal law does not 
recognize the medical use of pot. The pair could, however, make that 
argument in state court. 
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