Pubdate: Thu, 30 Aug 2007
Source: Thomasville Times, The (AL)
Copyright: 2007 The Thomasville Times
Author: John Thornton


Dear Editor:

Hello, my name is Officer John Thornton. I'm the DARE officer at 
Thomasville City Schools.

The DARE program is for kindergarten through fifth grades. In the 
DARE program I teach the children safety, helpful and harmful uses of 
medicines and drugs and the importance of obeying the laws.

The fifth grade is my main class. I teach a 17-week class teaching 
them the harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana to the 
body. My classes consist of 700 or more students and I need money to 
give out supplies like books, pencils, stickers, shirts and other 
items that I can give out to the kids. These items are not free. So 
I'm asking for a donation from you. Any amount that you give will be 
well appreciated.

Help me to help our kids.

Thank you,

Officer John Thornton
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman