Pubdate: Sat, 01 Sep 2007
Source: Dallas Morning News (TX)
Section: Editorial page, Hits and Misses
Copyright: 2007 The Dallas Morning News
Bookmark: (Marijuana)

Don't Bogart That Ticket, Man

As of today, misdemeanor possession of marijuana no longer requires
police to arrest the offender and haul him off to appear before a
magistrate. Instead, a simple ticket will do for people possessing
quantities of less than 4 ounces if caught in their home county.

Supporters of the new procedures insist this does not amount to
decriminalization but clears our jails and frees up our police to
apprehend people who pose a real threat to society. We're happy (in a
drug-free way) because pot smokers never belonged among the likes of
rapists and muggers in our jails.
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake