Pubdate: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 Source: DrugSense Weekly (DSW) Website: HOT OFF THE 'NET THE TOP TEN REASONS MARIJUANA SHOULD BE LEGAL High Times Magazine Prohibition has failed to control the use and domestic production of marijuana -- it's time everyone faced this and the rest of the compelling arguments for legalizing it. - --------------------------- AMERICA'S TALIBAN-SUPPORT PROGRAM With luck, Afghanistan could become the Colombia of the Middle East By Jacob Sullum, September 5, 2007 - --------------------------- NORML LAUNCHES 'IN-WORLD' OFFICE ON SECOND LIFE September 5, 2007 - Washington, DC, USA Washington, DC: The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) is expanding its online message and presence to the popular 3-D virtual world Second Life. - --------------------------- IN POT WE TRUST The medical use of marijuana is examined from every side of a very complex issue with this documentary that charts the suffering of four .. all chronically ill patients whose reliance on the illegal drug as a pain killer is in jeopardy due to federal anti-narcotic legislation. Reform organizations, prohibitionist groups, politicians, drug war critics, scientists, and celebrities all get their say in this fascinating analysis. - --------------------------- WHY DO PEOPLE THE GOVERNMENT SAYS DON'T EXIST KEEP WRITING US? By David Borden and Paul Armentano - --------------------------- CULTURAL BAGGAGE RADIO SHOW Tonight: 09/07/07 - Wash Post Writer Neal Peirce + Drug War Facts, Poppygate & Hempfest heroes Audio: Last: 08/31/07 - Seattle Hempfest "Pot Pride" + Terry Nelson & LEAP report, Drug War Facts & BBC News re Afghanistan Audio: Listen Live Fridays 8:00 PM, ET, 7:00 CT, 6:00 MT & 5:00 PT at - --------------------------- THE WAR ON DRUG'S BLOODY FACE By Joseph Grosso / September 6th, 2007 - --------------------------- DRCNET PUBLISHES DRUG WAR CHRONICLE ISSUE 500 If you want to be in the loop about what's going on in drug policy and the reform movement, Drug War Chronicle is a concise but essential read. - --------------------------- WHAT YOU CAN DO THIS WEEK COLOMBIA: HUMAN RIGHTS & WARS Radio & Internet Broadcast Sep 8, 2007 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM The show will broadcast from Cincinnati on 88.3 FM WAIF, live streamed via More Info: - --------------------------- JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, JUSTICE POLICY INSTITUTE The Justice Policy Institute is a Washington, DC-based research, policy and communications advocacy organization whose mission is to end society's reliance on incarceration, and to promote effective solutions to social problems. To apply, please first visit the website ( ); to review the full position announcement, and review the organizations work. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake