Pubdate: Sun, 09 Sep 2007
Source: Scotland On Sunday (UK)
Copyright: 2007 The Scotsman Publications Ltd.
Author: Eddie Barnes


ROADSIDE tests for drug-driving are to be given the go-ahead in a bid 
to crack down on reckless motorists who go on the roads having taken 
illegal substances.

Ministers will confirm later this month that new roadside kits 
capable of spotting traces of drugs will be used across the country. 
It follows shocking figures which found that almost 20% of drivers 
involved in fatal accidents had traces of drugs in their system.

Police in Australia are already using the kits - known as 
'drugalysers' - which test a motorist's saliva. Police here would be 
able to charge guilty motorists under drink-driving laws, if the test 
was brought in.

The Home Office will publish guidance in the next two weeks setting 
out strict standards for the kits. Scottish ministers have now made 
it clear that, once they are available, they hope to roll them out 
across Scotland.

The move follows a campaign by the Conservative Party north and south 
of the Border to make drug-driving as socially unacceptable as drink-driving.

Surveys have shown that as many as one in five youngsters take to the 
wheel having taken drugs. However, punishing somebody for the offence 
has so far proven near impossible because of the lack of reliable 
tests. Police have been forced to rely on 'common-sense tests' such 
as asking motorists to walk in a straight line.

Consequently, it emerged last year that 1,705 drivers had escaped 
prosecution for drink or drug-driving over the past four years 
because of insufficient and unreliable evidence. It is hoped the new 
kits will be able to prove quickly and conclusively whether drugs 
have been taken.

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill confirmed his wish to press ahead 
with the kits in a letter sent last week to Scots Tory MSP Bill Aitken.

In the letter he wrote: "We have now been advised by the Home Office 
that they hope to publish a guide which will set down a tight and 
exacting specification for the types of devices that would meet... 
approval. I have asked my officials to make clear to the Home Office 
our wish for the approval process to be completed as swiftly as possible."

Officials in Scotland have contacted the Home Office to urge them to 
roll out their guidance as soon as possible, to enable the kits to be used.

Aitken said: "We know that 7% of young people admit driving under the 
influence of illegal drugs and that one in three has been a passenger 
in a car driven by a driver on drink or drugs. At long last we are 
making progress. In January, Vernon Coaker MP said guidance was to be 
unveiled shortly, and nine months later it finally looks like 
arriving. I would urge both our Governments to ensure the 
implementation of this scheme is a priority."

Chief Constable John Vine of Tayside Police, who has complained 
previously that a lack of reliable testing equipment has hampered his 
force's work, said: "More accurate testing technology or processes 
for motorists stopped for drink or drug-driving will enable us to 
reduce deaths and injury on our roads and make Scotland safer."

A spokesman for the RAC foundation said: "This is good news because 
the problem at the moment is that if the police suspect someone of 
drug-driving the procedures are too cumbersome. This will hopefully 
act as a deterrent."
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman