Pubdate: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 Source: Burlington Post (CN ON) Copyright: 2007 Burlington Post Contact: Details: Bookmark: (D.A.R.E.) LOOK FOR HALTON DARE LOGO BEFORE DONATING Local Police Program Not Involved In Coupon Books, Merchandise Burlington residents are being asked to make sure they take a 'DARE' on behalf of Halton Regional Police. The Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program is gearing up again for the new school year, with Halton police officers returning to the classrooms. But there's concern that some fundraising companies have been selling coupon books and DARE merchandise at local doorsteps this summer. The Halton program's supporters say they do not sanction this fundraising and noted its proceeds are going elsewhere. "DARE is an international program and is active in over 40 countries," said Mike Gorman, chair of the DARE Halton board. "As an international entity they work with private companies to raise monies worldwide which support the activity of DARE America. However, the Halton Regional Police Service does not benefit directly from these programs. " To ensure that money goes to support local programs, residents are encouraged to look for the DARE Halton logo. It's suggested they support only activities that are run through the local schools such as walkathons, or events that are organized by the DARE Halton board. These include a golf tournament, which recently raised more than $20,000 for the local program, as well as the Real Men Can Cook evening gala. All net proceeds from these events stay in Halton. "Businesses that are interested in sponsoring the DARE program locally should also contact me directly," said Gorman. "We will make sure your contribution goes directly into supporting this important program in Halton Region. Please support only programs run by our volunteers or endorsed by your local schools." Inquiries about fundraising by the board can be sent by e-mail to Gorman at or by calling Sgt. Brian Carr at 905-634-1831, ext. 4901. Through the local program, seven specially-trained Halton police officers teach elementary school students how to say no to drugs, alcohol and violence. There is a 10-lesson DARE program for Grade 6 students and an Active-8 refresher course for Grade 8 students. The programs are taught at public and Catholic schools in Halton. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom