Pubdate: Fri, 14 Sep 2007
Source: Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Copyright: 2007 Winnipeg Free Press
Author: Lindsey Wiebe
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine - Canada)


A street in East Kildonan was closed Thursday afternoon while police 
investigated what they believed was a clandestine drug lab.

However, a few hours later Dunrobin Avenue reopened, suggesting the 
home didn't contain an illegal drug lab after all -- leaving 
neighbours baffled. Usually, when police have discovered drug labs, 
officers and emergency crews remain on the scene for days to clean up.

But the neighborhood drama, which included specially outfitted 
members of the Winnipeg Fire Department's haz-mat unit entering the 
home on the 200 block of Dunrobin, ended by 3:30 p.m.

A man who lives at the address said he had no idea why his home had 
been searched, or why he and his wife were questioned.

"I'm in the dark. They just told me they were here to do a search, 
and that's it," said the man, who declined to give his name.

"I'm very upset; my wife's very upset. We're not really sure what 
it's all about."

Randy Ricci, who was visiting a nearby house, said police came to 
surrounding homes and told everyone to stay inside.

Ricci said police told him they were investigating a "possible meth lab."

"That's all we were told, just to go inside for our own safety," he said.

Another neighbour, Damon Nyiro, 18, said his 18-year-old friend lives 
in the taped-off Dunrobin house with his parents.

"I was in that house last night. There's nothing in there," he said, 
adding that there's "no way" the family was involved in illegal activity.

Nyiro said the couple has three sons, two of whom are in their 20s 
and no longer living at home.

Police said the investigation continues.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom