Pubdate: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 Source: Mohave Valley Daily News (AZ) Copyright: 2007 Mohave Valley News Contact: Details: Author: Jim Seckler, The Daily News Bookmark: (Marijuana) Bookmark: (Chronic Pain) Bookmark: (Oxycontin/Oxycodone) PRESCRIPTION DRUGS AREN'T HARMLESS Prescription drugs used illegally can cause nausea, seizures, even death. The common misconception of prescription drugs is most people think since these drugs are prescribed by doctors, they're safe to use. However, the abuse of prescribed drugs is becoming more and more common. Dr. Cynthia Brennan of the Silver Creek Family Practice in Bullhead City said she has heard of a group of patients who go "doctor-shopping" or going from doctor to doctor for prescribed drugs. Other people often share medications with friends thinking drugs as prescribed by a doctor would be safe compared to illegal drugs. "They don't understand what they are doing is wrong," Brennan said. "It can be very dangerous sharing medications." Brennan also said people who abuse prescription drugs could be any age, gender or economic status. She theorizes seniors, who are in their 60s and 70s and came of age in the 1960s during the drug culture, may be tolerant of taking drugs. It is the pharmacy's responsibility to notify doctors if a patient obtains prescribed drugs from another doctor. Some drugs may interact with other drugs. It is also a physician's responsibility to know the effects of drugs such as oxycodone. A doctor in Florida was recently convicted of the murder of a 21-year college student for overprescribing that drug. Brennan said she sometimes offer her patients non-narcotic drugs, chiropractic, acupuncture or alternative medicines. Dr. Alan Barton, a Fort Mojave pediatrician, said in the past year he has seen an increase of young people abusing prescribed drugs such as OxyContin, which he said physicians falsely tout as less addictive. Barton said he has four female patients addicted to Soma, a pain reliever. His youngest patient is a 13-year-old who uses cough medicine and marijuana. Others are known to huff inhalants such as computer keyboard cleaner. "It's not illegal so they don't think there is anything wrong," he said. Kimberly Landero, a substance abuse counselor with ABC Therapy Counseling Center, said because Mohave County has a large senior population, children and grandchildren have easy access to their parent or grandparent's prescription drugs. Prescription drug abuse among seniors is also a growing and largely unreported problem. Patients who go to a doctor for a broken leg, illness or some other reason should tell their physician if they have a family history of addiction. Doctors can then give their patients non-narcotic medicines reducing the chance for addiction. Some physicians commonly over prescribed medicines to their patients, Landero said. According to Ron French, crisis intake adult services clinical director at Mohave Mental Health Services, it is fairly common that people come to facility for treatment as the result of becoming addicted to prescribed benzodiazepines or medications such as Xanax "Prescription drug abuse is common and definitely is a public health issue in our adult population including the elderly," French said. Some physicians are sending more patients to pain management physicians, who limit the amount of prescription medication available to a 30-day supply. It also means the patient has to be physically seen by the physician on a regular basis and the prescription cannot just be called in to the pharmacy, Mohave County Deputy Probation Officer Len Frisch said. The physical effects of abusing prescription drugs include seizures, heart attacks, brain and liver damage. Other symptoms include dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, and slow breathing, according to the Arizona chapter of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America Soma, Ritalin, Vicoden, Xanax, Percodan and OxyContin are some of the most commonly abused prescription drugs.. Most come in pill form and can be swallowed or crushed then snorted or injected. DXM or dextromethorphan is found in cough syrup and acts as a hallucinogen. Some effects of Soma are drowsiness, weakness, temporary vision loss, vomiting and mental or physical impairment. Percodan can cause vomiting, dizziness, nausea, sedation and light-headiness. Vicoden can cause drowsiness, moodiness, decreased mental or physical abilities or hearing loss. Ritalin can cause paranoia, hallucinations, tremors, seizures or strokes. OxyContin causes respiratory depression, weakness, dizziness, headaches and nausea. Besides prescription drugs, the use of inhalants among eighth-grade students in Arizona has increased by 27 percent. Parents rarely mention inhalants when talking to their children about drugs or cigarettes not wanting to tell them about inhaling. Abusing inhalants in fact can be fatal. Students use inhalants such as nail polish remover, metallic paint, paint thinners, lighter fluid, cooking sprays, air fresheners, bug spray and even deodorants. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake