Pubdate: Thu, 04 Oct 2007
Source: Winnipeg Sun (CN MB)
Copyright: 2007 Canoe Limited Partnership
Author: Sun Media


Prime Minister Stephen Harper is planning a trip to Manitoba, with 
stops in Winnipeg today and Churchill tomorrow, says a spokeswoman 
for the Prime Minister's Office.

Harper is expected to make an announcement with federal Public Safety 
Minister Stockwell Day, Treasury Board President Vic Toews and 
Minister of Health Tony Clement at 2 p.m. today at the Salvation Army 
at 180 Henry St.

A source said Justice Minister Rob Nicholson and Indian Affairs 
Minister Chuck Strahl may also make the trip.

A spokeswoman from the PMO, who asked not to be named, said the 
announcement will be about the federal government's anti-drug strategy.

She said the anti-drug release will focus on a "two-track" initiative 
meant to ensure harsher punishments for drug dealers and better 
treatment options for addicts.

The second announcement is scheduled to occur Friday, when Harper 
will be joined by Premier Gary Doer, with the time and place in 
Churchill yet to be announced.

A source said the Churchill announcement will relate in part to 
upgrades to the rail line that links Churchill to the south.

Doer was tightlipped yesterday, stating he would not comment on 
speculation about the trip.

"I am not going to lead to any kind of speculation because I don't 
want to lead to false expectations in the city of Churchill," said Doer.

Both announcements are expected to include new federal funding.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman