Pubdate: Fri, 05 Oct 2007
Source: Rotorua Daily Post (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2007 Rotorua Daily Post.
Author: Kelly Makiha


A judge has warned drug offenders can't pull the wool over the eyes 
of courts familiar with what goes on in the drug world.

Judge Lindsay Moore had the public gallery in the Rotorua District 
Court yesterday roaring with laughter as he shared his knowledge of 
"tinnies", "buddha sticks" and "skunk".

But he explained there was good reason for "showing off" his drug knowledge.

"Characters" like Damian Anthony Check, who had pleaded guilty to 
possessing cannabis, breaching community work and driving while 
disqualified, needed to know that judges understood how the world 
worked, he said.

Check, who was caught with 10g of cannabis, told police it was only 
enough for 10 cannabis cigarettes.

Judge Moore said in his day "we didn't have tinnies, we had buddha sticks".

"You'd get 2.8g to 3g in a buddha stick, now it's down to under a 
gram". Check was stood down yesterday for his sentencing to be dealt 
with at a later date.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart