Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jan 2007
Source: Lethbridge Herald (CN AB)
Copyright: 2007 The Lethbridge Herald
Author: Monica Cove



Re: Al Beeber's column, Jan. 26, Snoop concert a lesson in tolerance. 
Al, I'm not sure what you were smoking but please. . .

"The rapport all the artists had was magical" - very magical when 
they call for the lights to go down and light up your joints so the 
cops can't see. Yup, that's magical.

I didn't pay money to see that garbage but I have issues that an 
apparently educated person would not only pay for the ticket but not 
question why our Canadian immigration minister would make an 
exception to the law and allow a convicted criminal into Canada. For 
the love of money?

Do you honestly believe that his "fellow Crips urged him to leave the 
gang and develop his artistic skills"?

I'm quite sure his music is supporting his "fellow Crips."

These gangs do not urge you to leave if you still have something to 
offer them. The LAPD still arrests him for gang crimes involving 
drugs and guns. Do you think we should be tolerant of these behaviours?

To suggest "wannabe gangstas in our city" should fellow in this 
convicted criminals' footsteps is absolutely ludicrous." Wannabe 
gangstas"should find positive alternatives. This guy is hardly a role model.

Please, before you write this garbage, use your journalistic talent 
to research the facts and issues. It's not that this criminal is 
misunderstood, but people like you encourage our children to 
hero-worship this garbage.

Monica Cove

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