Pubdate: Tue, 02 Oct 2007
Source: Hawaii Tribune Herald (Hilo, HI)
Copyright: 2007 Hawaii Tribune Herald
Author: Gary Pangle


In Gloria's new stupor ... err article, she wonders out loud in her 
foggy state of mind why people from all over the world are sending 
her e-mails about her marijuana articles. This is either due to 
stupidity or a perfect example of why marijuana should remain illegal.

It doesn't take a genius to solve this mystery, only a person with a 
clear head.

When you Google Gloria's "Why Isn't Pot Legal In The U.S." article, 
you see that it has been posted on quite a few Web sites and 
recognition given to the Tribune-Herald as the contributing source. 
Oh how proud it must make this paper to have its articles reprinted 
on sites such as Cannabis News! That is where I would expect moronic 
articles like Gloria's to appear -- not in my hometown newspaper!

In between what I assume are bong hits, Gloria goes on to make the 
priceless revelation that, "For all these reasons, marijuana has the 
potential to lead a people to sustainability and independence. That 
means less or no dependence on health care, welfare, gas stations or 
any other major corporations." Does she really read what she writes 
or is she so stoned that any gibberish just makes total sense and is 
in harmony with her cosmic state of empty-headedness?

Please write and question the validity of these useless articles in 
our paper. It is my understanding that not only does this paper go to 
many local schools but that Gloria is actually employed at the Hawaii 
Academy of Arts and Sciences which means she has direct interaction 
with young impressionable students. She is also associated with a 
program on OC16 who I would think enjoys the image of family TV. What 
are their views on this issue and drug use?

Gary Pangle

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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman