Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jan 2007
Source: Age, The (Australia)
Copyright: 2007 The Age Company Ltd
Author: Annabel Stafford, Canberra
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


Almost one in 10 Australians has tried methamphetamines at least 
once, according to a scorching report to the Federal Government that 
recommends a host of policies to combat the scourge.

In what could be seen as confirmation of fears that Australia faces a 
methamphetamines crisis, a report by the Australian National Council 
on Drugs, advisers to the Government on illicit drugs, says there has 
been a "significant upsurge" in problems related to use of 
methamphetamine drugs since the late 1990s.

It singles out crystal methamphetamine, or "ice", as a particular worry.

Methamphetamines, such as speed and ice, are psycho-stimulants which, 
according to the Australian Drug Foundation, speed up the heart and 
breathing while giving users more energy and a feeling of alertness.

An increasing number of media reports have focused on crime and 
violent behaviour by people high on "ice".

The report cites estimates that about 73,000 Australians are 
dependent on methamphetamines -- almost double the number of those 
dependent on heroin. About half a million Australians have used 
methamphetamines in the past year.

"It is difficult to anticipate the impact of methamphetamine use on 
Australia, although key concerns include elevated levels of 
psychosis, increases in homicide and other serious violent crimes, 
and the risk of HIV transmission," the paper says.

It calls for specific measures to deal with the unique problems 
associated with methamphetamine use, such as psychosis and an 
increase likelihood of risk-taking in sexual behaviour. The proposals include:

■ Treatment for long-term users.

■ Guidelines on how to deal with those experiencing psychosis.

■ Measures to try to limit supply through working with regional 
authorities to crack down on supply of precursors.

■ Education campaigns to stop people using, and to limit 
risk-taking behaviour that could lead to secondary problems such as 
HIV or chlamydia.

The report says about half of users say they are more likely to 
engage in risky sexual behaviour while they are high on methamphetamines.

And the report says there is a particular concern about the higher 
levels of sexual risk-taking among those who inject methamphetamine 
"and this provides an avenue for secondary HIV transmission".

The report recommends:

- -- Specific HIV prevention strategies for injecting methamphetamine 
users to target both risky drug taking behaviour and risky sexual behaviour.

- -- More guidelines setting out how to treat methamphetamine-related 
psychosis and which should consider "pharmacological and behavioural 
strategies to reduce the incidence and severity of psychotic symptoms".

- -- Using existing police and court diversion programs, as well as 
driver drug testing, to target users and direct them into treatment programs.

- -- More research into whether and in what ways methamphetamine use 
increases violent crime.

- -- School-based prevention programs that are not fear campaigns, but 
rather concentrate on teaching young people resilience and other 
social skills they need to refuse drugs.

- -- Guidelines for how to prescribe medication to people with 
methamphetamine-related psychiatric conditions.
- ---
MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman