Pubdate: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 Source: Province, The (CN BC) Copyright: 2007 The Province Contact: Details: Author: Suzanne Fournier PIONEER PICKS CITY FOR X-RATED WEBSITE Owner Says Vancouverites' Liberal Attitudes Ripe For Drug, Sex Crossover Site A pioneer in Internet adult entertainment admits he chose Vancouver for his new X-rated site because he believes the city is synonymous with permissive attitudes toward sex and drugs. But the site's potential for crossing over from buying virtual drugs and sex to the real world has police concerned. Bruce Shuster, owner of Utherverse Inc. and the popular Red Light Centre site based on Amsterdam, set up his site from his Yaletown office Oct. 5 and claims he's already had 40,000 free hits. He's also found 1,200 people willing to pay $20 a month for VIP membership, which is the only way for your avatar to "get naked," have sex, get into the "passion club," and buy alcohol and drugs -- all virtual, of course. Shuster's advertising urges would-be investors to "throw an event . . . charge real money for tickets and sell related merchandise from the event." "We've got locations for all types of events: Throw a beach party, a casino night or just a crazy club night. We even provide virtual drinks, ecstasy, mushrooms and weed for your partiers!!" Vancouver Const. Howard Chow said the site would be a concern if it glamorizes drug use or illegal activities. Chow said police will keep an eye on the site. "If this is just a virtual life, I don't know of any criminal offence unless it crosses over into real life," said Chow. Of the virtual drugs on offer, Shuster says, "we've only dabbled in hallucinogens so far" and he maintains the site can offer users a safe way to "experience the drug-user's lifestyle." But by January, says Shuster, the site will link to actual concerts in Vancouver so people can start partying online, then move on to downtown clubs. Shuster said his site is a mixture of Facebook and Internet adult soft porn. Whatever crossover there is between the web and real life, Shuster's goal is "free speech" and he doesn't welcome police attention. "I'm going to guard our users' privacy -- I don't intend to turn over any user information to police," he said. Shuster, who was born in Montreal but has run his Internet sites mainly in California, said he "looked all over the world and decided Vancouver would be the ideal city for this site." "Vancouver has more liberal attitudes without being sleazy and there are more permissive or non-judgmental attitudes" toward having sex and taking drugs to enhance experiences like clubbing or concerts, said Shuster. RCMP drug-awareness spokesman Sgt. Scott Rintoul doesn't think Shuster's online world is totally benign. "Drugs facilitate sexual contact and in this kind of online setting crossing over to the real world, there could be sexual predators operating and they would have absolutely no clue. Everyone's mixed up in the same game." - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart