Pubdate: Fri, 26 Oct 2007
Source: Daily Vidette (IL Edu)
Copyright: 2007 Daily Vidette
Author: Chris Davies
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ISU Uses "Core Surveys" To Measure Use And Attitudes About Substance Use

It may not come as a surprise to hear that teenagers  are using drugs 
and alcohol each day, but the numbers  produced by the federal 
government might catch some off  guard.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services  Administration found 
that on an average day nearly 1.2  million teenagers smoke 
cigarettes, 631,100 drink and  586,00 use marijuana. The numbers 
continue at that rate, some 50,000 used inhalants, 27,000 
used  hallucinogens, 13,000 used cocaine and 3,800 used  heroin.

The report also stated that in the United States in  2006, one-third 
of adolescents aged 12 to 17 had drank  alcohol within the past year, 
one-fifth used an illicit  drug and one-sixth smoked.

According to Kathy O'Connell, alcohol and drug  intervention 
specialist with Student Health Services,  ISU uses "Core Surveys" to 
measure use and attitudes  about alcohol and drug use from the 
students. These  studies are conducted every two years, the last being 2006.

The report showed that 89.6 percent of students had  consumed alcohol 
within the past year, 81.4 percent had  consumed alcohol within the 
past 30 days, 74.4 percent  of underage students had consumed alcohol 
within the  past 30 days and 62 percent of students said they had 
been "binge drinking" within the past two weeks (a  binge is 
considered drinking 5 or more drinks in one  sitting).

Sophomore and German education major, Bobby Crossen  commented, "It's 
not the drinking that's the problem,  it's the partying instead of 
studying, some people's  priorities just aren't straight."

O'Connell stated that ISU was higher than the national  average, 
among colleges for drinking. She said, "While  we don't encourage 
students to drink, we want them to  drink in a way that is safe to 
reduce the harm that  could be caused."

She added that ISU is also above average in secondary  effects of 
drinking, in categories such as injuries  related to drinking.

At ISU there are several options to receive help for  drinking or 
drug related problems. O'Connell's office  is open to walk-ins and 
Student Counseling Services  also has programs for alcohol and drug problems.

"Our main concern is the students who miss class or are  not turning 
in their assignments, whose grades are  being compromised as a result 
of drinking," O'Connell  said.

The report also stated that, on any given day, 8,000  adolescents 
drink alcohol for the first time, 4,300 use  an illicit drug for the 
first time, 4,000 smoke their  first cigarette, 3,600 use marijuana 
for the first time  and 2,500 abuse pain relievers for the first time.

Also included in the report, are the numbers of  teenagers receiving 
treatment for drug or alcohol  abuse. More than 76,000 were in 
outpatient treatment  and 10,000 were in non-hospital residential care.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services  Administration 
compiles this data to understand how  much of a factor substance 
abuse is in everyday life  for teenagers.

A representative said that even though much was being  done to lower 
these numbers, many young people still  engage in these risky behaviors.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman