Pubdate: Fri, 26 Oct 2007
Source: DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Section: Feature Article
Author: Mark Greer


Want to see something really scary this Halloween? Then check out the 
alarming rise of cannabis-related arrests in the U.S. in the chart 
below. YIKES!!

It's a very simple proposition.  Police have limited budgets, 
manpower, and resources. If they place a high priority on the arrest 
and prosecution of non-violent cannabis users, they simply can't 
address other areas of real concern, including predatory and violent 
crimes.  Every minute spent arresting a cannabis user is a minute 
that law enforcement can't use to address rape, assault, break-ins, 
and domestic violence. Sadly, a marijuana consumer is arrested every 
38 seconds in America.

But surely police no longer arrest cannabis consumers, focusing 
instead on the production and distribution of hard drugs and other 
legitimate public safety concerns, right? Unfortunately, a recent 
article by NORML Senior Policy Analyst Paul Armentano reveals a very 
different tale.  According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's 
annual Uniform Crime Report released on September 24th of this year, 
police arrested a record 829,625 persons for marijuana violations in 
2006, representing "the highest annual total ever recorded and nearly 
three times the number of citizens busted 15 years ago." (see chart 
below) Want to know the scariest part: 89% of these arrests are for 
simple possession. BOO!!

How can you find out all of this frighteningly useful information? 
You can read it online at, along with over 
187,000 drug policy-related articles aimed at increasing public 
awareness about this failed and expensive war on our personal rights 
and freedoms.*

This Halloween, ignore statistical "tricks" used by the federal 
government to make it look like prohibition is working, and instead 
send a "treat" to help DrugSense bring an end to the arrest of 
non-violent cannabis users.

To donate quickly and easily online, please click here:  All on-line donations are secure, 
private and tax-deductible.

You can also make your check or money order payable to DrugSense and 
mail it to:


14252 Culver Dr #328

Irvine, CA 92604-0326

REMEMBER, you can easily repeat your donation every month, quarter, 
or half year to provide DrugSense with automatic, recurring support. 
( Please sign up for whatever you can afford.

Thank you again for working to end the irrational war on drugs and 
for supporting DrugSense/MAP.

Mark Greer, Executive Director

* You can find Paul's article from AlterNet at:


2006 : 829,625

2005 : 786,545

2004 : 771,608

2003 : 755,187

2002 : 697,082

2001 : 723,627

2000 : 734,498

1999 : 704,812

1998 : 682,885

1997 : 695,200

1996 : 641,642

1995 : 588,963

1994 : 499,122

1993 : 380,689

1992 : 342,314

1991 : 287,850

1990 : 326,850

Chart of U.S. cannabis arrests per year from 1990-2006.

Mark Greer is the Executive Director of DrugSense and the Media 
Awareness Project (MAP) Inc.
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake