Pubdate: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 Source: Ka Leo O Hawaii (U of Hawai'i at Manoa, HI Edu) Copyright: 2007 Ka Leo O Hawaii Contact: Details: Author: Rachel Cabamongan Cited: Students for Sensible Drug Policy Bookmark: (Higher Education Act) Bookmark: (Students - United States) Bookmark: (Students for Sensible Drug Policy) DRUG CONVICTIONS COULD COST YOU YOUR FINANCIAL AID The Higher Education Act was established in 1965 to provide educational resources for college students through financial aid programs. In 1998, a revision was added to the act to include a drug provision that has since denied or delayed financial aid to 200,000 potential aid recipients because of drug convictions. The drug provision was added to the act as a means of creating a no-tolerance for drug-use atmosphere at college campuses nationwide. University of Hawai'i Financial Aid Director Linda Clemons explained that question 31 on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid exposes drug offenders by asking them if they have ever been convicted of "possessing or selling illegal drugs" while receiving federal student aid. If the applicant responds "yes," then they are required to fill out an additional worksheet to determine if and when they can resume eligibility. She added that if a student receives a drug conviction during the school year while receiving financial aid, they must immediately notify their financial aid office and the balance awarded must be returned. "If they knowingly or willingly provide misleading information, they can be fined $20,000, sent to prison or more," Clemons said. The law does not affect students with drug convictions prior to receiving financial aid. "I think it is messed up that a minor offense like having a small amount of weed can screw up your financial aid eligibility," said sophomore Russell Sasaki. "So many students do it that you can almost say it is a part of college life." Junior Michael Okinaga feels differently. "I believe that it is right to take away financial aid from a student who does or sells weed, because it is illegal. I think financial aid should be given to hard-working students since not all students are lucky enough to receive it," Okinaga said. The Students for Sensible Drug Policy, an organization comprised of international students who advocate the impact of drug abuse and fight against counterproductive drug-war policies, is actively pursuing Congress to overturn the drug provision. The organization feels that this law targets lower-income households because of income requirements to receive federal aid. Applicants who are denied or have their financial aid taken away have no alternatives to pay for their education, increasing the risk of dropping out of college and turning to drugs further, said the organization. Tom Angell, government relations director for the Students for Sensible Drug Policy, said the law unfairly penalizes students by taking away financial aid when they have already paid the consequences of drug use through legal conviction. He added that while drug offenses can cause federal aid to be denied, there is no such law for violent offenses such as rape or murder. "The law only puts this student eligibility restriction on convictions related to drug offenses," said Department of Education official Chris Greene. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake