Pubdate: Thu, 01 Feb 2007
Source: Chicago Tribune (IL)
Copyright: 2007 Chicago Tribune Company
Author: Emma Graves Fitzsimmons and Carlos Sadovi
Bookmark: (Heroin)


The first person in Illinois charged with homicide involving the 
powerful painkiller fentanyl has been arrested again on a new drug 
charge, but this time a judge ordered him held in jail at least until 
a hearing Feb. 8.

Corey Crump, 36, had been free on bail since last August, when he was 
charged causing the drug-induced homicide of Joseph Krecker, 17, the 
son of the Franklin Park Deputy Police Chief Jack Krecker. 
Prosecutors alleged that Crump had sold Joseph the tainted drug that 
killed him.

After Crump was arrested late Wednesday, he told Chicago police that 
he had continued to sell drugs after he was released on bail, 
Assistant Cook County State's Atty. Anna Demacopoulos said Thursday 
in court. He had been freed after posting 10 percent of his $80,000 bail.

After his arrest Wednesday, Crump offered to make a deal with police 
by giving up his drug source in exchange for his freedom, Demacopoulos said.

She quoted Crump as saying, "I'll be off the street in 6 months 
anyway because I'm going to get 30 years on the murder."

An alleged gang member, Crump was spotted Wednesday night by police 
in the 2600 block North Harding Avenue, where he was alleged to have 
been placing foil packets under the hood of a car.

The officers saw Crump leaving a gangway holding a bag, and watched 
him hide it in a car engine, said police Comdr. Nicholas Roti, the 
head of narcotics and gang investigations section. Police said 
Thursday that they believe the packets contained heroin.

Crump was charged with possession of a controlled substance with 
intent to deliver.

When Jack Krecker learned Thursday of Crump's new arrest, he said he 
was not surprised. "I understand the jail is full, but I never 
thought it was a high enough bond," he said.

"I hope that if anything, the word gets out there and the families 
don't have to go through what my wife and I had to go through," he 
added, saying he believes his son could have beaten his drug habits 
if the fentanyl hadn't killed him.

Joseph Krecker graduated from Maine South High School in Park Ridge 
two days before his body was discovered June 6 in 2400 block of North 
Monitor Avenue on the Northwest Side, about a half block from where 
Crump had sold him the drugs, prosecutors said. Packets of 
fentanyl-laced heroin were found with his body, investigators said.

Roti, the police commander, said Thursday that problems with 
fentanyl-laced heroin have decreased. "We have not seen the rash of 
overdoses we saw last summer," Roti said, noting police have targeted 
several housing projects to curtail the drug's spread. "There was a 
big spotlight put on this. It definitely is on the decline."

On Thursday, Cook County Criminal Court Judge Laura Sullivan set bail 
on Crump's new drug charge at $250,000, but ordered him held until he 
goes before the judge hearing the homicide charge Feb. 8 for a 
hearing on violation of bail.

Demacopoulos, the prosecutor, asked that a hearing be held to 
determine whether Crump's bail money came from legitimate sources.

Crump's lawyer, Andrew Vail, had no comment Thursday.

According to prosecutors, Crump has a lengthy prison record that 
includes five felony convictions, three of which were drug related. 
Crump was convicted of possession of a controlled substance in 1995, 
1999 and in 2004. In 1991, he was convicted of armed robbery and in 
2000 he was convicted of aggravated battery.
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