Pubdate: Mon, 05 Nov 2007
Source: Regina Leader-Post (CN SN)
Copyright: 2007 The Leader-Post Ltd.
Author: Sean Myers, CanWest News Service
Bookmark: (Poppy)
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


CALGARY -- A city poppy expert is teaming up with a medicinal 
marijuana producer in Saskatchewan to develop new health applications 
for the notorious plants. University of Calgary biology professor 
Peter Facchini has received a three-year, $650,000 federal grant to 
work with the plants, best known for their illicit derivatives.

"As plants, opium poppies and cannabis evoke a lot of emotions," said 
Facchini. "To me, they're basically lettuce.

"These plants in themselves aren't bad plants. It's a question of 
understanding the basics of how they produce medicinal products like 
morphine and codeine."

Facchini holds the Canada Research Chair in plant metabolic processes 

He has a licence to grow 100 opium poppy plants in his lab at the U 
of C, and he has been working with the plant, best known as a source 
of heroin, for about 15 years.

Saskatoon-based biotech company Prairie Plant Systems has a contract 
with Health Canada to grow medicinal marijuana and is also growing a 
vaccine antibody against hepatitis C within plants for the Vaccine 
and Infectious Disease Organization.

The biotech company cultivates its marijuana supply at a 
high-security underground growth chamber in a copper and zinc mine in 
Flin Flon, Man.

The goal of the cannabis research is to find a way to block the 
production of psychoactive cannabinoids that produce the 
mind-altering effects in users so cannabis can become a useful crop 
for oil, fibre and even food, said Facchini.

"The public is very poorly informed about poppies," said Facchini.

"A few thousand plants is not going to produce very much morphine.

"In Afghanistan, they cultivate hundreds of thousands of hectares of 
poppies. And it's a very labour-intensive activity to extract 
morphine," Facchini said.

He added that he hopes to find medicinal properties in the opium 
poppy that don't require the extraction of morphine and won't be 
useful in heroin production.

"We've used this plant for 7,000 to 8,000 years, but it's only in the 
last 15 years that we've started to understand the nature of this 
plant at a very basic level," said Facchini.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom