Pubdate: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 Source: Windsor Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2007 The Windsor Star Contact: Details: Author: Trevor Wilhelm Bookmark: (Cocaine) JUDGE DECRIES CARGO OF 'DEATH' Cocaine Smuggler Gets 10 Years Likening him to an usher of death, a judge sentenced a truck driver to 10 years in prison Tuesday for trying to smuggle 50 kilograms of cocaine into Canada. Justice Micheline Rawlins said she handed such a hefty sentence to Harpreet Singh, who had no criminal record, because he turned a blind eye to the devastating effects of cocaine use. "Cocaine is death," said Rawlins. "It is death to those who consume it. It is death to their families." "I can not understand how a fellow Canadian could condone bringing death to fellow Canadians, to watch them die a slow death.... You put that out of your mind, saying, 'I want to make money for me and mine.'" Singh, 39, of Brampton, was arrested June 23 and charged with importation of a controlled substance and possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking. He pleaded guilty Nov. 2 to smuggling the drugs, worth about $5 million, across the Ambassador Bridge. Officers with the Canada Border Services Agency found 50 one-kilogram, individually wrapped bricks of cocaine stuffed in a closet behind the driver's seat of Singh's truck. The father of two told police he met a man in a parking lot in California, where his truck route originated, and received a hockey bag filled with drugs. "I think of your children, who did not ask to be brought into this world but deserve to have a father, a father they won't have," said Rawlins. "That's where the damage starts." Defence lawyer Sam Vucinic, who asked for six to eight years, said Rawlins's sentence was reasonable. "You heard her reasons and I think it's pretty hard to argue with her about that," he said. 'She's got plenty of experience in handling these kinds of cases.... There's no fooling around with her. It's a proper sentence." Vucinic said his client was happy to get the sentencing over with so that he could get out of Windsor Jail and into a prison. He said being in the jail was "a pretty terrible experience" for Singh. "He's heard stories down there, because he's never been in trouble before, about the conditions in federal institutions and provincial institutions," said Vucinic. "He decided he'd rather move on and get out of the county jail and get into an institution where there's some additional room and freedom in order to cope with incarceration." Federal prosecutor Richard Pollock, who asked for a 12-year sentence, said he was also satisfied. "It sends a strong message to truck drivers," he said. "Commercial truck drivers have an important place in our economy. They need to be able to cross the border and get their goods to market. This is essentially a breach of trust. So we need to send strong messages to drivers and people who might consider getting involved in this activity that when you come into Canada and you have drugs, you're going to be going to jail." - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman