Pubdate: Wed, 07 Nov 2007
Source: Regina Leader-Post (CN SN)
Copyright: 2007 The Leader-Post Ltd.
Author: Sylvia MacBean


CARNDUFF -- An Oxbow couple was sentenced on Tuesday in Carnduff 
Provincial Court after a marijuana grow-op and unregistered firearms 
were found in their home.

[name redacted], 42, pleaded guilty to unlawful production of 
marijuana. Her lawyer, Doug Andrews, told the court that [name 
redacted] was growing the large amount of marijuana for her own use.

Court was told that a grow-op was discovered by the RCMP in the home 
on Aug. 30, 2006. Evidence was presented that there were 12 plants 
found growing in two rooms. Several large plants were in the bud 
stage. The grow-op was situated in two rooms in the basement of the home.

The operation had oxygen pumped into the rooms so the plants would 
grow better. The air from the room was vented into the furnace 
chimney. The walls and ceiling were lined with foil for optimum light 
and the rooms had plant lighting.

The police used the excessive power bills and thermal readings to 
identify the home as a suspected grow-op. Its production value was 
estimated at $60,000 per year. Three firearms and ammunition were 
found that were not registered and were laying on a shelf near the grow-op.

[name redacted], 41, entered guilty pleas to careless storage of 
firearms and a charge of possession of marijuana.

[name redacted] received a 12-month conditional sentence to be served 
in her home with a curfew. [name redacted] received a $500 fine on 
the firearms charge and a $1,000 fine for the possession of marijuana 
charge. They are both prohibited from having firearms for 10 years.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart